Every employee who will use Coachview will be called a user. This user must therefore have a login name and a password. In addition, you have to indicate which functions and modules this user will have available. A user who logs in, will see the various functions as menu items, as assigned by one or more user roles. A user must be linked to a person.

Create a user:
Are you logged in and do you have sufficient rights? Then click in the menu 'Manager' on menu item 'User'.
Click on the 'New' button to add a new user and fill in the details.
Username: a username must consist of lowercase letters and one dot, other characters are not allowed. There must be at least 2 characters before and after the dot. The length must be a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 50 characters.Example: first name<point>insertion surname, example 'jan.vanderelst'
Apps: By default 'Coachview' is ticked as an app. With this option you create a user for Coachview. Is this new user also a teacher and do you want to give them access to the teacher app? Please note that the option 'Teachers App' is only visible if it is activated via the menu 'Service centre' and the menu item 'Coachview apps'.
  1. Click on the magnifying glass behind 'Roles', a list of possible roles will open.
  2. Put a check mark in front of the roll. 
  3. Click on the 'Add' button.

Click on the cross to remove a roll. Please note: Did you check the teacher's app? Then the role 'Trainers app privileges' will be added automatically.

Authorisation level: Here you can choose from a number of levels that determine the rights of the user.

  1. All priveliges (standard): This option is widely used for back-office employees.
  2. Teacher: the user only sees the data that is directly related to him/herself, e.g. training courses of which he/she is a teacher. This option is often used for teachers, they have rights to their own file and all courses for which they are scheduled as a teacher.
  3. Supervisor: the user only sees his own data and the data of the persons he is in charge of.
  4. Company authorization: If this option is selected, then the 'Company Authorization' tab can be used to indicate which companies the user has access to. The user will then only see data that belongs to these companies.
Language: Select a language so that menus, menu items and screens are translated.
Person: Linking a person is mandatory. The person must not be inactive. Use the magnifying glass to select a personal file to link the user to a person. If this person does not yet exist, you can create a new personal file by clicking on the plus sign. Useful: Did you fill in the rest of the data and click 'Save'? Then Coachview will automatically create and fill in the username for you. Of course you can still change this.
E-mail addresss: Please enter an e-mail address. This e-mail address can also be used as a login name. In case of 'forgotten password' the e-mail will be sent to this address. Have you added a person? Then the e-mail address from his personal file will be filled in automatically.

Inactive: Account has been terminated. Please note: do you deactivate the account? Then don't forget to remove the roles first and arrange the financial authorisation.

Click on 'Save & Back' to create the account.

Do you click 'Save'? Then an e-mail will be sent to the user. Does the user click on the link? Then the login screen of Coachview will be shown and the new user can create the password and login.

Financial Authorisation:
After creating a user you need to be financially authorized, for this you will find a message when you click on save. Click on this message (or go to menu management - financial authorisation) to enable or disable the modules for this user.

Overview users:
In the users overview it is useful to add the 'Apps' column. This allows you to see at a glance which apps are authorised for the user.