Ervaren Expert

On the education portal you may want to show participants on the basis of criteria such as function, department, company or person a specific offer for further development. Or you have made agreements with customers about which courses they are allowed to attend and you only want to show these courses on the portal. You can arrange this with the help of target groups, part of the Competence Management module.

How do you do that?
You define a target group on 5 criteria:
  1. Function
  2. Department
  3. Company
  4. Person category
  5. Company category

You can make combinations of these 5 criteria as you wish. If you place multiple criteria on one line, this means that a user has to meet all these criteria at the same time in order to fall into the target group. If you place the criteria on multiple lines, then a user has to meet the criteria on one line or the other in order to fall into the target group. So it is one or relation.

It is not necessary to use multiple criteria on one line.

Finally, you indicate which course educations this target group is allowed to follow. Only the courses of these types are visible on the education portal.

If the target group is saved, you can see in the tab 'Persons' which persons fall into this target group. Note: These are not all automatically users of the education portal. Accounts for the education portal are provided by yourself, see

this article.

What do you have to look for?

Filtering based on target groups must also be activated on the education portal, please contact the helpdesk for this. It is not possible to activate target groups only for certain customers (e.g. those who are currently in a target group). Make sure that all users of the education portal are in a target group, otherwise users who are not in a target group will not see an offer!

Target groups only work after logging into the education portal, because Coachview then knows who the user is and in which target group the user falls.

Show price agreements with the help of target groups:

If you have made price agreements with your customers, you can also show them using target groups. It is then necessary to make a variation per basic product with this specific price. Then you define the target group, for example with only a criterion on company or company category. Finally, you link the different course definitions with the right price to the target group.

If a user then subscribes to one of these definitions, the correct price is automatically included in the request.

What do you have to do?
Making a variant per price agreement is a time consuming job. You don't want to make too many different price agreements, because otherwise you will have to (partially) duplicate your course offer per customer. We recommend working with a maximum of 3 to 5 different prices per course definition in order to keep the offer clear. For example, you can think of discounted grades of 5%.

Note: you cannot achieve this by setting price agreements.