On the tab form you build the actual registration form. You determine which data is requested and in which fields in Coachview the entered data will be saved. You can use different types of fields and dependencies. In the left column the groups from which the registration form is built are displayed. In the middle column the fields per group are displayed, as well as the settings. In the right column a preview is visible.


A registration form is divided into groups. A group is a collection of fields with the same settings. At least one group needs to be created, but dividing your form into multiple groups often provides more overview. Groups are also useful for giving multiple fields the same settings at once, such as a dependency (showing or not showing based on a previously specified value).

Click on 'Add group' in the left menu bar to create a group. Click in the middle column on the cog in the upper right corner to open the group settings:

  • Group name: Give your group a clear name for a good overview. If 'Show title' is checked, the group name will also be shown as header in the registration form.
  • Dynamic: When 'Show title' is ticked on the registration form it is possible to fill in all fields in this group again. Only to be used with entry fields!
  • Text button Create group dynamically: Name of the button to fill in this group again on the form as a user.
  • Error message: A maximum of 10 participants can be entered per registration. When a user tries to add an 11th participant, this error message will be shown.
  • Show title: When ticked the group name is shown as header on the registration form. Useful to distinguish between different types of data, such as company and participant data.
  • Show as field: This sets a dependency on another field on the registration form. In the top menu you indicate which field on the registration form should be looked at. In the lower field you indicate at which value this group should be shown. With a different value (also empty) the whole group will not be shown. This is useful, for example, to automatically hide the fields for company data with a choice private or business.
  • Coachview token: Do not use.
  • Add field to group: Add new input field. Choose the desired type and click on 'add input'.

Types of input fields
The following types of (input) fields can be added to a registration form:

  • html: Can be used by the administrator to add static information (e.g. an explanation) to the form. No input field for the user.
  • text: Plain text input field, such as an address or first name. Most commonly used.
  • Number: Input field for numbers only.\
  • single checkbox: Single checkbox for choice yes/no
  • multiple checkboxes: Multiple checkboxes, displayed vertically. All options can be checked. The selected values are written to one field in Coachview.
  • radiolist: Selection option with dots, displayed horizontally. Only one value can be selected.
  • select: Retractable drop down menu, only one value can be selected. Similar functionality as radiolist, with different design
  • file: Upload possibility for file..,
  • hidden: Hidden field for forwarding a (fixed) value. Mainly used to transmit system data such as an underwater type code in the web request.
  • textarea: Text sheet, e.g. for comment field. Functionality similar to 'text', but with a different design.

    zip code: Field for specifying zip code, house number and addition. Linked to online postcode table (NL only). Can be linked to 2 text fields to automatically enter address and city.

  • Date: Input field for date. The registration form also shows a calendar to easily select a date.

Configuring input fields
For each input field there are several things to configure. Not all settings are available for all types of fields.
  • Field name: Indicate what needs to be filled in, this will be shown on the registration form.
  • placeholder: Example text that is shown in light grey when the field has not yet been filled in by the user.
  • default: Default value that is filled in automatically.
  • value from querystring: This allows a value to be read from the querystring, such as the type code or training code. Enter the exact label from the string for the =-sign.
  • Tooltip: Help text that is displayed when the mouse is held over a field.
  • coachview token: Field in Coachview where the entered data ends up
  • Show as field: Sets a dependency on another field on the registration form. In the top menu you indicate which field on the registration form should be looked at. In the lower field you indicate at which value this input field should be shown.
  • Validate: check whether the value entered complies with a certain format. Currently you can choose between e-mail (e-mail address naam@domein.extensie), phone (telephone number at least 10 digits) and checkbox true. If the entered value does not meet the requirements, a message will be displayed and the form cannot be sent.
  • mandatory: The registration form cannot be sent if this value is not filled in.
  • error message: Displays the completed message if the field is not filled in or is filled in incorrectly. By default the field name is always shown in red when a field is not filled in or is filled in incorrectly. That is why it is especially useful when a certain explanation is required when an error is filled in.\
  • label: text behind the checkbox
  • list items: choices for multiple checkboxes, radio player or select. Fill in format [value to coachview]=[label choice], for example true=I am a man. Start each choice option on a new line.
  • pair autocomplete address field: Fill in the address + house number automatically in the field chosen here, based on the given postcode + house number.
  • Couple autocomplete place: Please enter the city automatically in the field chosen here, based on the given postcode + house number.
  • return type: format in which the data is forwarded to Coachview. Translated with (free version)

To remove an input field, click on the minus sign in front of the field name:

To change the order of fields, drag the bar up or down.

Coachview tokens

For each input field you indicate with the coachview token where the entered data should be saved in Coachview. With a registration form you can fill in the details of the request, the contact person, the company, the debtor and the participants in Coachview. With the exception of participant data, fields in Coachview can only be filled in once. For example, only one contact person or company can be entered per web application.

Per web question / registration a maximum of 10 participants can be entered. Usually a dynamic group is used for this (see for more info above). The registration form automatically determines how many participants will be registered.

Some tokens are not to store data, but to configure settings. Most tokens speak for themselves. Below is an overview of tokens with different usage or that require additional instructions.

  • General > Contact personIs participant : This indicates whether the contact person of a registration is also a participant. Value true or false.
  • General > Contact personManaging : This indicates whether the contact person of a registration is also the manager of all participants. Value true or false.
  • General > Free fields : Free fields of the application. Replace [Free field code] with the code of the free field from Coachview. E.g. Free Fields. Free Field Washer.
  • General > UPLOAD : Token to be used when using a file input field.
  • Company > CompanyIdMatched : Search for a company file based on the internal file number from Coachview. The entered value (usually chosen by the user via a select) must be a CompanyID.
  • Contact person > Contact person.PersonIdMatched : Search for a personal file based on the internal file number from Coachview. The entered value (usually chosen by the user via a select) must be a PersonID.
  • Debtor > Debtor.Private : This indicates that the contact person of the job request is also the debtor, even if company data is available in the job request. By default, Coachview will select the company as debtor if company details are available. Value true or false.

Building the registration form

With the instructions above you have everything you need to build the registration form. Think carefully in advance about what information you need for your administration and what type of clients will use the registration form. For example, do you only have private clients, or also business clients? Do you need other data then? Are certain registration numbers required for your administration, such as a BIG number? In what order are you going to retrieve the data? Would you like to make use of dependencies? Then working with multiple groups is recommended.

Coachview recommends that you first work out the registration form on paper, before you actually start building it. This prevents you from doing double work. In addition, do not ask for more information than is absolutely necessary. In general, the less a client has to fill in, the higher the conversion.

Now go on to the Actions tab.