On this tab you will find the general settings of the registration form. Below an enumeration.
  • CSS class: To be used if you want to style the registration form independently of the rest of the education portal. Enter the name of the CSS class with the desired layout of the portal.
  • Title form: Name of the form. Is not shown on the registration form.
  • Text submit button: Name of the button at the bottom of the form with which the user sends the data.
  • Add intermediate step with confirmation: When ticked the user has to confirm again before sending the registration form.
  • Text confirmation button: Name of the confirmation button in the additional intermediate step.
  • Text back button: Name of the back button in the extra intermediate step.
  • Maximum file size: Maximum file size of upload files. Set to the maximum by default.
  • Allowed file formats: List of extensions to allowed upload files. Adjustments only in consultation with Coachview helpdesk.

The other settings are reserved for Coachview admins. These are not shielded, changes to these settings can have serious consequences.
Now go on to the form tab.