When you want to work with the REST API's of Coachview, it is important that you create a client_ID. You can then use this, for example, when building an application or testing and debugging it. In this document you will find the steps for creating a client_ID. 

NOTE: The client_ID you create via the swagger page cannot be used outside the swagger page!

On the authorization page, you can create a client_id. In this document we use the training environment. To perform the same steps for production, replace training with secure.

  1. To make sure that not everyone starts creating client_id's you should contact our support department. They will give you access, make a ticket for the request. 
  2. Before you can add the client you need to log in to the appropriate Coachview environment.
  3. In this Coachview environment you need to have administrator rights (user role 'Administrator').
Create client:
The authorization page lists all the clients set up for your Coachview environment. When you go to create the first client, you will see an empty screen. Choose "Client toevoegen" (add client) when you want to create a new connection.

Name: Enter a name for the client you are going to create.

Grant type: Select the "client_credentials" option. This is the way you want to access the Coachview API.

Secret: Enter a secret for this client. This is the password required. Once you have saved it, it is no longer visible. So make sure you remember it.
Scopes: Select the scopes you want to use. After you have created the client, you can still change these scopes.
Token lifetime: Enter how long the token should be valid.

Enabled: Enable the client_id if you want to use it.
After you have saved the client_id you will see in the overview the name, type and client_id. You can use these in combination with the secret in Postman, for example.