Curious how big a homework order you want to upload can be or do you want to know how big an attachment you send by e-mail can be? Do you want to know how big a logo you can use in a document template, and do you want to know how many characters can be entered in the different fields? Take a look at this table, and you may find your answer there. If not, please contact us.

E-mail (single) with an attachment of maximum10MB
Sends e-mail via a mailing (multiple) with an attachment of maximum10MB
 Number of people sending a mailing at the same time (menu 'Module(s)' and menu item 'Mailings'. 
Upload a document via the 'Documents' tab with a maximum of

Only the following extensions are allowed:

.bmp,.csv,.doc,.docm,.docx,.dot,.dotx,.eml,.gif, .htm, .html, .ics,.jfif,.jpe,.jpeg,.jpg,.mht,.msg, .numbers, .ods, .odt, .oft, .one,.pages,.pdf,.png, .potx,  .ppsx ,.ppt, .pptx, .rtf, .tif, .tiff ,.txt, .vsd, .vsdx, .wpd,.xls,.xlsb,.xlsm,.xlsx,.xlt,.xml,.xps,


Upload a logo of up to0,5MB
Upload a document via registration form (training portal)

Course definitions (maximum number of characters to be typed)
Code50# characters
Name255# characters
Purpose, target group, pre-education, description, remark156.000# characters
Code of parts50# characters
Name of parts255# characters
Description of parts156.000# characters
E-learning code (to be recorded in the parts)50# characters

Course (maximum number of characters to be typed)
Code50# characters
Name255# characters
Description 156.000# characters
Code of parts
50# Characters
Name of parts255# Characters

Description of parts

156.000# Characters
E-learning code (to be recorded in parts)
50# Characters
Remark presence4096# Characters
Remark passing
255# Characters

Financial (Sales & Invoicing)
Request code50# Characters
Request name255# Characters
Request remark156.000# Characters
Customer reference number on application/invoice255
# Characters
Sales line(template) -> invoice line name255# Characters
Sales line(template) -> invoice line description
156.000# Characters
Price agreement name255# Characters
Price agreement description156.000# Characters
Ledger account number20# Characters
Ledger account description255# Characters
Cost centre code50# Characters
Cost centre description255# Characters

Evaluation (template)
Name255# Characters
Description156.000# Characters
Welcome text title255# Characters
Welcome text 156.000# Characters
Title closing text
255# Characters
Sealing text 156.000# Characters
Evaluation report title255# Characters
Evaluation question name255# Characters
Evaluation question description156.000# Characters
Evaluation question category name255# Characters

Company & Contacts
Addresses100# Characters
E-mail addresses255# Characters
Remarks156.000# Characters
Telephone50# Characters
Externid / Externsource50# Characters
First and last name of person (birth name)50# Characters
Inserts10# Characters
Company name50# Characters
Department / Function code255# Characters
Department / Function name255# Characters
Department / Function description156.000# Characters

Document(template) name255# Characters
Document(template) subject255# Characters
Action(template) name
255# Characters
E-mail group name255# Characters
E-mail group address255# Characters
Non-availability name50# Characters
Non-availability remark156.000# Characters

Import web questions by means of special task
10 participants
aggregated per web demand

Export number of lines to csv file via search screen10.000regels