Before the teacher can start using the Teacher App, you need to activate the Teacher App in the Service Center. You choose the subscription that best suits your organization..


Service center:
Klik in menu 'Service center' op menu-item 'Coachview Apps'.
Click on the 'Configure' button in the 'Docentapp' panel.
The following screen is displayed.
  1. Name of the App.
  2. Number of teachers activated.
  3. Select the right subscription from the list.
  4. URL for starting the Teacher App.
  5. Did you check 'Advanced settings'? Then you can select here how the log data is kept. 
Click on 'Save.
Click on 'Enable.
And the "Confirm" button.

Pause or delete Teacher App:
The 'Pause' button stops the exchange of data between Coachview and the Teacher App.

Please note: this is only possible if no teachers are activated.

Click on the 'Resume' button to start exchanging data.
With the 'Delete' button you remove the link with the Docent App. This is not possible if you have added one or more teachers to the Teacher App.

You will then receive the following error message: