How do I do it?
The 'Administration' and 'Training Portal' function groups allow you to add new users, edit a user or delete one or more users.
Do you miss this function? Please contact our helpdesk.
  1. Click on the function to open the search screen. This list shows how many training portals have been created.

    Click on the name of the portal to open the details screen.

  2. Click on the 'Users' tab to open the search screen. The list shows which users have access to the training portal. In the search screen you have the possibility to search for one or more users, add, modify or delete a new user.
Creating users
To add users, follow these steps:
  1. Click on the 'Add' button to add one or more users.
  2. Select a user role when adding:

    Manager: has access to all the employees he/she manages. The data in Coachview will be used for this purpose.

    Contact person: has access to employees of the company or companies of which he/she is the contact person. You indicate yourself which companies they are. Note: Someone is not the standard contact person of the company of which he/she is a member.

    Participant: only has access to his/her own training data.

  3. Click or more users, or select all users using the checkbox in the first column.

  4. Click on the 'Add' button if you want to add more users to the list or on 'Add & Close' when you're done.

A grey box cannot be ticked because there is no e-mail address entered in the personal file. This is necessary to send the e-mail with login details from the training portal.
If you have added one or more contacts, you still have to specify which company they are a contact from:
  1. In the list of users, click on a user name.
  2. Click in the detail screen on the magnifying glass behind 'Companies' to add one or more companies. 
Note: A contact person can view the details of all employees of the above mentioned companies.

If a user's personal file is deactivated, e.g. an employee leaves the company, don't forget to delete the user. You can also see in the personal file whether someone has been added as a user.

You can see which user role(s) has/have been assigned and you can open the portal by clicking on the name.

What am I supposed to watch out for?

When you add a new user to the training portal, this person will automatically receive an email with the username, password and any additional information. This e-mail cannot be set up from Coachview. Please contact the helpdesk or your implementer to configure this e-mail as desired.

The username you want to use for new accounts can also be set. The following is possible, fields can be separated by a dot:

  1. E-mail address ->
  2. [First Name ][Prefixes][Last Name] -> frank.vander.linden
  3. [Initials][Prefixes][Last Name] -> faa.vander.linden
  4. [1e voorletter][Prefixes][Last Name] -> f.vander.linden
  5. ExternId of the person with prefix -> CV098765