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How to make, schedule and find a course.

Get acquainted with a number of basic tasks and principles that will help you to administer your courses, workshops and master classes in Coachview. Create a programme (implementation) with the help of a programme type (blueprint from the range). Plan the programme in date and time.
Create the course.

Introduction How to create a course (execution) using a course type (blueprint from the range of courses). Once the lesson dates, trainers and locations are known, it is time to create and plan a course in Coachview. You use a course definition to create a course. Suppose that the course &#...

Versie: Fri, 16 Dec, 2022 at 1:05 PM
Plan the course.

Introduction Plan the course through the schedule, the components. You determine the date, time from and to, the trainer(s) and the room (location) for each component. You can also change the name of a component. See how to do this using this video (4:15): This is how you do it in ...

Versie: Fri, 16 Dec, 2022 at 1:05 PM
Use scheduling, plan your course faster and more pleasant.

Coachview makes planning a course a lot quicker and more pleasant, because you can now schedule two or more parts of a course automatically. In the type of training you define the planning pattern. ThisĀ planning patternĀ is automatically taken into account when creating the programme. Adaptation...

Versie: Fri, 16 Dec, 2022 at 1:06 PM
Check the planning.

Introduction If you have planned a course, you can check it for planning problems. Using the 'Check planning' button, you can check whether the planned training has any planning conflicts that need to be resolved. Think of double-booking a trainer, location or a participant, or that...

Versie: Fri, 16 Dec, 2022 at 1:06 PM
Create the course category.

Introduction Is it interesting to divide the courses into groups? Then you can make use of the course categories. Handy to quickly find certain courses, participants who have followed a certain course or quotations/assignments. Categories are also useful for obtaining the right management i...

Versie: Fri, 16 Dec, 2022 at 1:06 PM
The status of a course.

Not available!

Versie: Fri, 16 Dec, 2022 at 1:06 PM
Find an course.

Introduction Don't feel like wrestling page by page through the list of courses to finally find that your course is on the last page?! Look no further, read how it should be done here. This is how you do it in 19 steps using these work instructions:

Versie: Fri, 16 Dec, 2022 at 1:06 PM