As a software developer integrating with the Coachview API, it is crucial to be familiar with various status codes to ensure smooth interaction with the API. One of these codes is 429, indicating that too many requests have been made within a specific timeframe. In this article, we will delve into the key aspects of status code 429. 
What is Status Code 429?
The HTTP status code 429, known as "Too Many Requests," is used to signify that the server has temporarily restricted access due to an excessive number of requests within a defined period. It serves as a mechanism to protect the server from overload caused by repeated requests.
Daily Limit and 429 Status Code in Coachview API
When utilizing the Coachview API, the status code 429 may occur if the daily limit has been exceeded. The limit is set at 5,000 requests per 24 hours. Upon reaching this limit, the server will respond with a 429 status code, indicating that further requests are temporarily blocked.
Information in the Response Header

To enable developers to monitor their usage, the HTTP response header contains several crucial fields related to the limit:

  • X-Rate-Limit-Limit: This field indicates the total number of allowed requests within the specified time period (e.g., 5000).
  • X-Rate-Limit-Remaining: This field allows you to see how many requests you can still submit before reaching the limit.
  • X-Rate-Limit-Reset: This field contains the timestamp at which the limit will be reset. It is essential to use this information to determine when you can submit requests again.
Waiting for Limit Reset
In the event that the limit is reached (status 429 received), it is necessary to wait until the limit is reset before submitting new requests. By proactively monitoring the information in the response headers and implementing wait times, you can avoid unnecessary blocks and ensure optimal interaction with the Coachview API.