Evaluation question template.

The evaluation question template is created so that you can reuse it again and again. An evaluation question template can be linked to one or more evaluation templates and one or more evaluations.

Want to know more? Then take a look at the presentation below by scrolling down in the presentation. Click on an image to enlarge it.

Merge codes in the name of an evaluation question template.

The following merge codes can be used in the name of an evaluation question template. Which one you can use depends on the chosen function of the question and to which evaluation template (for a programme or course unit) you add the evaluation question. If you have chosen the function 'None' then you cannot use merge codes.

You have to literally retype the code!
Function 'Course', these mergefields can be used for both courses and course parts:
[Course:Name]Shows the name of the course to which the evaluation has been added.
[Course:Code]Toont de code van de opleiding waar de evaluatie aan is toegevoegd.
Function 'Part', these mergefields can be used for both course and course parts:
Shows the name of the course part.
[CoursePart:Code]Shows the code of the course part.
[CoursePart:Date]Shows the date of the course part.
Function 'Teacher' (OpleidingsDocent), these mergefields can only be used for course:
[OpleidingsDocentPersoon:NaamFormeel]Shows the initials, insertions and surname of the instructor scheduled for the course.
[OpleidingsDocentPersoon:NaamVolledig]Shows the first name, insertions and surname of the instructor scheduled for the course.
[OpleidingsDocentPersoon:Voornaam]Shows the teacher's first name.

These mergefields can only be used for course parts:
OpleidingsonderdeelDocentPersoon:NaamFormeel]Shows the initials, insertions and surname of the instructor scheduled for the course.
[OpleidingsonderdeelDocentPersoon:NaamVolledig]Shows the first name, insertions and surname of the instructor scheduled for the course.
Functie 'Locatie' (OpleidingsLocatie):
  • [Locatie:Naam] shows the name of the company and the name of the classroom where the class is taught. For example: Coachview.net (Training Room 0.01).
  • [Locatie:Locatie] shows the name of the classroom where the lesson is taught. For example: Coachview.net (Training Room 0.01): Training Room 0.01.

Voorbeeld docent:

Note: using the function teacher or location.

Do you use the function instructor and/or location and have questions in the evaluation for the instructor and/or location been created and answered? If so, do not remove the instructor and/or location from the planning! Do you do this? Then the questions will be removed from the evaluation!