What can I do with it?

You will learn the ins and outs of using Coachview.net when setting up competencies.

The training and development of employees is part of competency management, and should lead to employees developing competencies further, so that they do their job better and the organization grows.

The Competence Management Module must make it possible to draw up competence profiles for the entire organisation, persons and positions.

Competence Matches can be used to identify and fill in any gaps, by creating training questions and/or by creating actions.

The different positions can be found under function group 'Competencies'.

In this manual.

Step 1: Setting up competence categories.

Competences can be grouped into a number of categories, which say something about the nature of the competencies. Each category has its own specific points of attention with regard to its place in the organisation, the degree of importance for the proper functioning of the employees and the development possibilities. Examples include general knowledge, social skills or attitudes, professional knowledge, management and technical skills. A category consists only of a name and does not have any different levels.

Step 2: Setting up competency at scale level.

The competency scale level is intended to be able to give an opinion on a participant's competency management. The competency scale level consists of one or more possible values, and is used for all competencies. A concept and/or a grade can be used as a scale level. Examples of terms are 'basic', 'continued' or 'specialist'. Examples of numbers are '0', '1', '2', '3', '4'.

If the completion of different levels is not required, one scale level will suffice. Think for example of the value 'achieved' or 'followed'.

Step 3: Create competence definition.

A competency definition is the name of a competency with one or more possible scale levels. The name must be clear and useful. An unclear competency definition may create confusion in later phases. Think, for example, of 'Employee FO' (department), 'Nurse' (function) or 'Quality and safety' (general).

Step 4: Create competence definition level.

After creating a competency definition, to which the competency level or levels of scale are automatically linked, one or more types of training and/or action templates can be added to each level of scale. By following the training courses, an employee can reach the desired level.

Step 5: Create competence requirements.

A competency requirement is the link between a competency definition (§ 5) and a competency level (§ 4), and indicates what kind of courses should be followed that are linked to a competency definition - scale level. Competence requirements can be determined at four levels:

  1.     Organisation (company): all functions and departments.
  2.     Departmental level: all employees of that department.
  3.     Function level: all employees with that particular function.
  4.     Job-division combination: all employees with that job and of that special department.

Step 6: Place persons in the competence manager.

If one or more employees are linked to the competence manager, one or more training questions are created based on the definition. This puts the employees on the waiting list for the various courses.

Extra 1: What to do when an employee leaves the company.

Extra 2: Complete training questions on the waiting list after completing a paper file (certificates/diplomas of courses not registered in Coachview).