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User in Coachview

User in Coachview: introduction

Why?  A person who wants to use Coachview will need to be created as a user. What happens? This user gets a login name, creates his own password and gets access. A user who logs in will see the different menu items in the menu. What a user gets to see and what the user can do is controlled by a...

Versie: Fri, 16 Dec, 2022 at 1:05 PM
Create new user

Every employee who will use Coachview will be called a user. This user must therefore have a login name and a password. In addition, you have to indicate which functions and modules this user will have available. A user who logs in, will see the various functions as menu items, as assigned by on...

Versie: Fri, 16 Dec, 2022 at 1:05 PM
Add user roles

In Coachview you can assign the same rights to different users via so-called 'user roles'. With a user role you define which functionalities a user has rights to. You can also choose to assign extra or different roles to different users. This determines whether they have rights to more, ...

Versie: Fri, 16 Dec, 2022 at 1:06 PM
User in Coachview: financial authorisation

Assigning modules to users (via the roles) can have financial consequences. As soon as a role has been assigned to a user that contains one or more modules with financial consequences, a message appears stating that this user still needs to be financially authorised. The user in question will no...

Versie: Fri, 16 Dec, 2022 at 1:05 PM
User in Coachview: special authorization

It is possible to create a 'special' user with a so-called 'special' authorisation. Restricted access can be given to third parties (e.g. clients or teachers): Course definitions and the resulting training. Documents. Restricted means: only predetermined types of education...

Versie: Fri, 16 Dec, 2022 at 1:05 PM