As you have read in the introduction the coachview invoices are automatically made into sales entries (in the sales diary including general ledger account, cost centre and VAT) in Exact online.

The debtors of Coachview are automatically created as a customer relationship in Exact online if they do not yet exist.

How to set up and (de)activate the link, via the service center in Coachview, can be read in a number of steps in the presentation below.

In the 'Service center' menu, click on the 'Integrations' menu items.
Click in 'Accounting' panel 'Exact' on the button 'Configure'.

Fill in the data using the following steps.

Panel OAuth:
The first field you see on the screen displays the name of the link. By default it says 'Exact Online', but you may overwrite the name.

Configuration: Choose from the list The Netherlands or Belgium.
Authentication status:
  1. If the button is red, the Integration has not yet been established.
  2. If the button is green then the link is authenticated and established.
Is the button red? Then don't click this button yet, we will do that in one of the next steps.

Panel General:
In the next step you will fill in the target administration (live or test) of Exact-Online. For this you need a division code and not the administration code.

Country: this is the country of the Exact Online administration.

This is how you determine the division code:
  1. Place the mouse on the code or description of an administration in the overview. At the bottom of the page you see a line with information.
  2. If you only have one target administration then this line only contains one division code. This is the code you have to fill in.
  3. Do you have multiple target administrations? Then there are two division codes here. The first division code is the division code of the administration you have placed the mouse on. The second code is the administration you are currently in. You will need the first division code.

Panel Debtor:
Coachview sends the debtor number as a relation number to Exact-Online. A client number in Exact Online is either a debtor number or a creditor number. A relation with type 'Customer' is a debtor, a relation with type 'Supplier' is a creditor.
  1. Unchecked means that the data of an existing relation in Exact-Online will not be overwritten, but that a new relation will be created in Exact-Online.
  2. Ticked means that the data of an existing relation is overwritten in Exact-Online with the debtor data from Coachview and that a new relation is created in Exact-Online.

Attention: is Coachview leading in the creation of new accounts receivable and doesn't the relation number appear in Exact-Online yet? Then you can check this option. Don't check this option if you are not sure if the debtor number from Coachview can occur as a release number (customer or supplier). Do you still want to check this option but you are not sure if the debtor number can occur as a relation number? Give the debtor number a prefix in one of the following steps or set the next debtor number with a range that can never occur in Exact-Online. You can do this via menu 'Manage' and 'Parameters' -> Panel 'Coachview parameters'.

Which field from Coachview is used as debtor number. Make your choice from the list.
  1. Debit number: this is the number that is automatically created by Coachview. Via menu 'Manage' and 'Parameters' tab 'Coachview parameters' the start number can be set. Coachview always starts at 00001.
  2. Debit numberExternal: In the debtor file, you can enter an external debtor number yourself. This can for example be the relation number from Exact-Online.
  3. CompanyPersonalExternID: You have imported relations from Exact-Online into Coachview and you have entered the relation number as an external member in the company or personal file.

  1. Option 1 (mandatory): this number is used first to identify the debtor.
  2. Option 2 (optional): Does option 1 not provide a debtor number? Then this number will be used.
  3. Option 3 (optional): Does option 2 not provide a debtor number? Then this number will be used.

In the previous step in one of the options, did you choose 'CompanyPersonalExternId'? Then fill in exactly the ExternSource that is listed in the company or personal file.

Prefix: Do you want the Coachview debtor number to get an extra prefix? Then fill it in here. This prefix will only be added if the internal debtor number of Coachview is used.

Panel Financial:
Which date from Coachview should be used to determine the booking period? You have the choice:
  1. Invoice date
  2. Invoice order start date
  3. Invoice order end date
  4. Export date
Determining the order start and end date is done in one of the following steps. The export date is the date on which the invoice is exported to Exact-Online.
Selecteer optie 2 als je verwacht dat de eerste optie geen datum kan opleveren.

Determines which date from Coachview should be used for the booking year and booking period. You have the following choices:
  1. Invoice date
  2. Invoice order start date
  3. Invoice order end date
  4. Export date

Book negative invoices as credit invoices. This option is already important for a Belgian administration.
  1. Unchecked: Y = sales basis en transaction type 20 (debet).
  2. Checked: X = credit note sales basis en transaction type 21 (credit).

The sales diary number. By default it is set to 70.

General ledger account number for debtors (ebiteur the accounts receivable balance account.) Default is 1300.

Must the created Coachview invoice be sent as a PDF to Exct-Online. Useful if you want to see more information about the invoice in Exact-Online.
  1. Check: Send the Coachview invoice to Exact-Online.
  2. Not checkedn: The Coachview invoice will not be sent.

Determine when the final invoices should be exported to Exact Online.
  1. Realtime: the invoice and debtor data are directly exported. This is done by means of an automatic action 'Link InvoiceExportingAccounting'. The action template that stamps this action is automatically created by Coachview and you can edit it yourself.
  2. BulkNachts: Invoices and debtor data are sent at a certain time of the night. Please send an e-mail to our support department ( They will make sure that the export is carried out through a job in the repetition (day/week/month) of your choice.

Should the cost center be sent to Exact-Online.
  1. Checked: yes send the cost center to Exact-Online.
  2. Not checked: The cost center is not included.

Coachview invoice numbers start at 00001 by default. Would you like to use a different invoice number to avoid already used invoice numbers in Exact-Online? Fill in a prefix (e.g. 2018). This must be a number and will be placed in front of the Coachview invoice number.Please note: When using the paid registration, the length of the value may not be adjusted, otherwise the registration will no longer work correctly.

Have project code generated from a Coachview field to Exact Online. You have the possibilities out:
  1. Aanvraagnummer.
  2. Reference number which is filled in with the request.
  3. Invoice reference number.
  4. Coursescode.
  5. Coursedefinitioncode.
Do you choose option 2 or 3? Then fill in the reference number with the application/invoice. It is mandatory to fill in per debtor can be arranged via option


Activate the link as follows:
  1. Click on the 'Save' button to save the completed data.
  2. Click on the 'Enable' and 'Confirm' buttons.
  3. Click on the red button 'Authenticate', log in to your Exact Online administration and follow the steps. If you succeeded you will see the message: 'Valid token information available: 03-07-2021 - 14:37:23'. The button turns green.
  4. Check the connection by pressing 'test connection'.

Please note: If you are already logged in to Exact Online with the target administration of the link, and you have previously requested a token, Exact Online automatically generates a new token.

The clutch is always possible:
  1. to be paused by clicking the 'Pause' button.
  2. are removed by clicking on the 'Delete' button.