
Quickly and easily record your workflow around an application or training.

That's how you do it!

You can create a new action template via menu 'Template' and menu item 'Action template'. The search screen with an overview of action templates is shown.

  1. Click on the 'New' button, choose a sample action template from the list and change it as needed.
  2. Do you select an action template and is the process choice 'send e-mail'? Then a document template is automatically created and linked.
  3. Have you set up an e-mail group? Then it will automatically be selected as 'sender' in the document template.
  4. Has the action template not yet been used and it is possible to delete it? Then the linked document template is automatically deleted. Except? If an e-mail group is linked to the document template.

Note: automating an action template is only possible if you have the automatic workflow module.

In this presentation we explain how to make sure that a confirmation is sent directly to the participant, if he or she is enrolled in the course.