
Capture your workflow in actions. Creating and monitoring actions is an important part of Coachview. An action reminds you that an action has to be performed within a certain period of time. If you often make an action of the same kind, you set up an action template. 

How do you do that?

You can create a new action template via menu 'Template' and menu item 'Action template'.

The search screen with an overview of action templates is shown. Click on the 'New' button and build the action template yourself.

Build the action template all by yourself:

The name of the template, will also be the name of the action. The use of mergefields in the name is recommended. This prevents that actions, created using the action template, always get the same name in a search list.


Name action template: Attendance list [Opleiding:Naam]   --> Name action: Attendance list Workshop basic knowledge.


You have a choice:
  • Manual: you can create the action yourself or Coachview creates the action for you. You have to do the action yourself.
  • Automatic (on start date/time): the action will be created and also executed automatically on the desired date. This is the start date of the action. If a time is set then the action will be performed at that time.
Select the 'Show advanced options' option and then proceed to the next steps.

Data group:

Determine where the action template can be converted to an action. The data group also determines the possibilities in merge codes, events, processes and the choices for determining the start and end date of an action.


If you choose the data group 'CourseParticipant' then one action is created per participant, enrolled in the training. If you choose the data group 'Course', only one action will be created per course. Data groups related to the courses always start with 'Course...'.

Note: if you have made a wrong choice in the data group and saved the action template, it can't be changed anymore and you have to start again.


Only to be filled in for an action that Coachview automatically performs for you!

The choice of process determines what Coachview should do.
  1. Connector: links to (pre-set) systems outside Coachview, such as the education portal, Moodle, aNewSpring and Juno.
  2. Send E-mail: send preset documents automatically via e-mail.
  3. Process Job Demand: process the registration that comes in via the education portal or your website.
  4. Open evaluation: open the evaluation, add questions and the recipients.
  5. Finish evaluation: complete the evaluation.
  6. Invoice: create an invoice document and send it by e-mail.
  7. PE-Online: send participant to PE-online.
  8. Person off duty: if a person is put on inactive, the training questions on the waiting list expire.


Choose an event so that Coachview knows when to make the action. The event depends on the chosen data group and the chosen execution.

Example: data group 'Course, automatic execution
  • Course is created: action is created immediately when you create the course.
  • Course status has been changed from start to final: action is only placed when you have a 'GO' and the status of the course is set to final.

Example: data group 'Training, manual execution'.

  • Course start date changes: action is taken if the start date changes
  • Course end date changes: action will be taken if the end date changes
  • Course is created: action is created immediately when you create the training.
  • Course status has been changed from start to final: action is only placed when you have a 'GO' and the status of the course is set to final.

Note: if you want to link this action template to one or more types of training, the event must be filled in.

Email template:

Only to be filled in for an action that Coachview automatically performs for you!

Choose the document template to be sent by e-mail.

Note: the document template must be from the same data group, and you must have set up an e-mail group for 'sender' and indicate to whom the e-mail should be sent. If you didn't do this, you can't automate the action now.
Click on the 'Save' button to save your choices. Click on 'Edit' and continue filling in the following details:

Start date and End date:
The number of days/weeks/months on which the start date of the action is set.

The number of days/weeks/months on which the end date of the action is set.

You can choose between 'before' or 'after' and depending on the chosen data group from for example 'start course', 'start part', 'end of course', 'start evaluation' or 'creation date (of the action)'.


Only to be filled in for an action that Coachview automatically performs for you!

If the time is left blank, the action is performed at night. If the time is filled, the action is performed within 10 minutes after the time on the end date.

Linking start and end dates:

If this option is ticked, the start and end date will be linked in the action template that you create with this action.


You have indicated in the action template that the start date is 2 weeks before start date and the end date 1 week before end date. In the action, the start date is set on November 1 and the end date on November 7. If you open the action and change one of these two dates, the other date is automatically moved up. If you move the start date to November 7, the end date is automatically moved to November 14.

Create action:

An action (template) may have conditions. These conditions can be used to create and/or execute the action. You have the following options:
  • Anytime.
  • Only when the end date hasn't passed.
  • Only when a condition has been met.
  • Only when the end date has not expired and the conditions have been met.
Example of conditions:
The conditions to be selected depend on the data group.
  • Cours status: 'All', 'To be started', 'Final', 'Executed' and 'Completed'.
  • Request status: 'All', 'Completed', 'Scheduled', 'Executed', 'Expired', 'Waiting list'.
  • Sales status: 'All', 'Offered', 'Concept', 'Order' and 'Expired'.
  • Evaluation completed: 'N/A', 'Yes' and 'No'.
  • Selectable 'category person' and/or 'category company'.
  • Invoice paid: 'N/A', 'Yes', and 'No'.
  • Training question agreed: N/A, yes and no.
  • Training question section agreed: 'n/a', 'yes' and 'no'.
  • External source: is this external source recorded in the personal file?

Reading rights:

If you leave this blank, all users can read the action created with this action template. By choosing user roles here, only users with this role(s) will see the action.

Please note that the user roles must already have been set up.

Writing rights:

If you leave this blank all users can use this template to create an action with it and all users can edit the created action. By choosing user roles here only users with this role(s) get these write permissions.

Note: the user roles must already be set up.


Determine at which other functions the action will be shown. In a template with data group 'CourseParticipant', ticking 'Course' and 'Person' means that the created action is also visible in the action tab of the training and of the person. If you see these options in an action template, it is wise to always check these options.

User is owner:

Determines the owner of new actions. If this is checked then the Coachview user is assigned when the action is created.

Note: this is not possible with an automatic action, because no one is logged in.

Standard owner:

Only fill in if the owner is always responsible for this action. If you leave this blank then contact person 1 at the training will automatically become the owner of the action. If you do not fill in contact person 1 in the training, then no owner will be assigned. An owner must be a user of Coachview.

Note: this only applies if you have not ticked 'User is owner'.

Document template(s):

Link one or more document templates of the same data group to the action template. If you perform the action manually and the linked document template is used to print or send a document via e-mail, the action will be completed automatically. It is not necessary to fill in the form for an automatic action.


Indicate the priority of the action (low, normal, high). A high priority action is shown in bold on the action panel on your home screen. If there are multiple actions on the same day, the high priority action will be placed at the top.


Geef, indien gewenst, een uitgebreide omschrijving wat er tijdens de actie moet gebeuren.

If desired, give a detailed description of what should happen during the action.


Suppose you have to perform a number of actions at the same time. You can create one action template for each action. But don't you get to see a lot of actions on the screen? You can also make one action template, and describe the actions in the description. The description is also placed in the action template, and every time you perform an action, you remove it from the description.


Hide action templates that have already been used, but are (for the time being) no longer used. The actions generated using the inactive action template will still be visible.

Use the 'Save & Back' button to go back to the search screen and create a new action template if necessary. If you want to change an action template, click on the name of the action template and click on the 'Edit' button.

Make it easy for yourself and select a sample action template that we have prepared for you. How to do it you can read here.