You can create a sales rule for a course definition or request using a sales line template.

Create a sales line template:
You do this by using menu 'Template' and menu item 'Sales line template'.

Please note: Do you use a link with an accounting system? Then it is wise to first record the correct VAT codes, general ledger accounts, cost centers and units.
Click on new and capture the following data:

Name: Name of the sales line template. If you make one or more sales rules from this sales line template, they will get the same name. The name can be used on the quotation or on the invoice.

Description: Additional information about the sales line template. Useful if you want to add the sales line template as a sales rule to an application or course definition. The description can be used on the quotation or on the invoice.

  1. PP price per person. Coachview will determine the number of participants on the basis of the persons enrolled in a course, which are bundled on a single request.
  2. PP staffel, Price per person, varied according to the number of registered persons and bundled on one request. For example for 1 registration € 400,--, for 2 to 5 persons € 350,-- per person and from 6 persons € 300,-- per person.

  3. Other, The price is not settled per participant, but applies to the entire application. Useful when determining a group price. It does not matter if 1, 10 or 100 persons are enrolled per application. The price remains the same.

Number: The number x the piece price. Did you choose for type 'PP' or 'PP graduated'? Then the number will be calculated by Coachview. The total price of the sales line by multiplying the number of participants by the number x unit price. Fill in 1 here. If you fill in 2 then the total price will be number of participants x 2 x unit price. If you have chosen type 'Other' then nothing will be done with the number of participants. With the request you can manually increase the number, for example when it comes to the number of parts of the day you want to settle.
Unit price: Standard price per quantity. If you want to use this sales rule template with different types of training, it is wise to leave the unit price at € 0,--. The unit price is determined by the type of training.
Amount: you can't fill in. When saving the template Coachview automatically calculates the amount based on the number of * piece price.

VAT: Choose a VAT percentage from the list by clicking on the magnifying glass or typing in the code. If the VAT does not yet exist, you can create it using the plus (+) sign. Using the cross (x) you remove the VAT from this sales line template.

Cost centre: Choose a cost center from the list by clicking on the magnifying glass or typing in the code. If it does not yet exist, you can create it using the plus sign (+). Using the cross (x) you can remove it from the sales line template. If you don't know yet which cost center this is, you can also create a cost center 'DELETE ADJUST'. If you have added the sales line to the request or training type, you can determine the cost center at that moment.

General ledger: Choose a general ledger account from the list by clicking on the magnifying glass or typing in the code. If it does not yet exist, you can create it using the plus sign (+). Using the cross (x) you can remove it from the sales line template. If you do not yet know which general ledger account it is, you can also create a general ledger account 'BADER TO BALK'. If you have added the sales line to the request or training type, you can determine the general ledger account at that moment.

Category: Add a sales line category to this sales line template. Easy when searching for sales rules with the same category, for example in the management information module. The categories can be created via menu 'Category' and menu item 'Category sales rules'. Do you use the sales rules template to add a sales rule to the training type or order line to the application? Then this category will be added automatically.

Application date from / Application date up to and including: a sales rule template is provided with a period of time. If you use this sales rules template to create a sales rule, this period will be taken over. The sales line will be added as an order line if the application date falls within this period.

Let op: beide datums moeten ingevuld worden.
Publicatie: publicatie staat standaard aan. Dit zorgt ervoor dat de verkoopregel, gemaakt met deze verkoopregeltemplate en toegevoegd aan een of meerdere opleidingssoorten, getoond wordt op jouw website of opleidingsportaal.

Please note: turn off your publication? Then the sales line will no longer be shown. If you pay via iDeal, the sales line will be included in the price to be paid.

(In)active: If you can't remove the sales rules template and don't want to use it anymore, check the box.

Click 'Save' or 'Save & Back' to save the sales line template.
Click on the name of the sales line template and the 'Edit' button:
  1. to change the sales rules template. Existing sales rules for training types and order rules for applications will not be changed retroactively and therefore remain unchanged.
  2. Click on "Delete" and "OK" to delete it. Can't do this because it has already been used? Check 'Inactive'.