In the daily overview you have a visual overview of the class schedule. The timetable consists of one or more parts.

The status of the course is displayed using symbols in the title bar:

To start.

Definitive or executed.

Orange color in the bar and no black but gray letters means that the training is finished.

Warnings are displayed in symbols in the box and refer to the scheduled trainer(s) or location on the section:

Trainer, colour orange:
  1. No trainer has been scheduled yet.
  2. The trainer has yet to agree.
Trainer, colour red:
  1. The trainer is double-booked.
  2. The trainer is not available.
  3. The trainer has not agreed.

Location, colour orange:
  1. No location has been planned yet.
  2. The location has yet to agree.
Location, colour red:
  1. The location is double-booked.
  2. The location is not available.
  3. The location did not agree.

Open and show the planning module in a separate screen.

You will find this button next to the search options.

The day, week, month and list summaries can be exported to a CSV file.

The CSV file can be opened in MS-Excel. The columns in the list can't be edited by yourself.

The arrow can be found in the lower right corner of the screen.

Daily overview:
  1. The selected day is displayed. Using one of the arrows for day, month or year you can change the selected day.
  2. Timeline, the set working hours are always shown on the screen and are shown in black. The times outside working hours are shown in grey. To show them, use the scrollbar on the right side of the screen. The working hours can be set via the tab 'Options'.
  3. Click on 'Today' to show the current day.
  4. Go to the previous or next day.
  5. The planned part. Which information is displayed can be determined via the tab 'Options'.
This information is displayed:

In the title bar the status (= final or executed) and the code of the part of the course.

Warning planning trainer(s), see explanation above at introduction
Warning planning location, see explanation introduction.
Part number.
Scheduled date.
Scheduled time from - time to
Name of the course and, if indicated in the options, the name of the component and the name of the course definition.
Number of participants registered and number of available places.
Contact person 1 of the course.
Scheduled trainer(s).
Scheduled location.
Description of the part. Hover your mouse over the icon to show the description..

General unavailability.
If you have added holidays in Coachview via 'Not available' these will be shown in the daily overview.

Display and modify data part:
If you click with the left mouse button on an item, the data of this item will open on the right side of the screen.

  1. Code of the course. If you click on this line, the details of the course will be shown. If you click on the code (it will be underlined), you will open the course in a separate screen. You will be redirected to the tab 'General'.
  2. You have opened section 2 of this course, but this course also consists of section 1. If you click on this line, the details of section 1 will be displayed and you will be taken directly to the scheduled date in the day overview. If you click on the name of the component (this will be underlined), you will open the component in a separate screen. You will end up in the tab 'General'.
  3. Data of the opened event. Here you can directly change various data.
    • The code.
    • The name of the item.
    • The date.
    • The times.
    • You can fill in a description.
    • The trainer, click on the icon and you can immediately change the planning status (if set). With the plus you add a new trainer, with the cross you remove the trainer.
    • The location, click on the icon and you can immediately change the planning status (if set up). With the magnifying glass you select another location, with the cross remove the location.
    • If you have changed your details, click on the save button at the bottom right of the screen to save the details, the item in the daily schedule will be changed immediately. If you have changed the date, you jump directly to this date.

Add a trainer:

  1. You can add a trainer by typing the last name or select the trainer from the list.
  2. In the title you will find the date, here you can see for which time you are going to schedule the trainer.

Situation 1, no planning problem:  The trainer is available and not yet scheduled for this date/time. Click on '+ add' to schedule the trainer..

Situation 2, planning problem:

The trainer is not available is already scheduled or has a day off from 10:00 to 17:00. You can see this on the red bar. Check 'Also add to double booking' and click '+ add' to schedule the trainer.