Payment registration.

Has the integration been made? Then you can inform Coachview in real time and automatically whether the invoice has been paid. In Exact Online the invoice is considered paid when it has been matched and the outstanding amount is € 0,-- or the difference has been reversed on payment difference (rounding difference / payment discount) or exchange rate difference..

  1. Bank transactions must be entered in Exact Online at invoice level. When a collective invoice is received for multiple invoices, these must be assigned one line per invoice in the bank transaction. The column 'Booking' must be filled with the invoice number of Coachview. Is this not the case? Then the link to the Coachview invoice cannot be made and payment is not registered.
  2. Also in the case of a loose checkout, the collective payment may not be linked to multiple invoices. Also in that case there will be no match to the Coachview invoice.
  3. Exact Online can only provide one real-time link with other systems. Do you receive an error message? Then Exact Online is already real-time linked to another system, and payment registration is not possible.

Note: in some lists in Exact Online, the name of the column with the invoice number from Coachview is mentioned differently.
For example:
  1. Outstanding items - receivable: booking.
  2. Sales journal self: Voucher number.
  3. Outstanding items - bank booking: our ref.

Example: sales - outstanding items - list: tab 'Invoice (Realtie)': Name'.


Did you set up the Service centre in Coachview and activate payment registration? Then only those invoices that have not yet been processed in Exact Online will be collected and registered in Coachview and marked as 'paid'.

So there is no retroactive registration of already paid invoices from the past.

Do you want this?

Please contact our support department: 088-4488555, or send an e-mail to

With the help of a 'once-only' job, we ensure that payment is registered retroactively in Coachview.

Can't you wait for that?

Did you set up the Service center (see below)? Then you can manually pick up the payment per invoice.

This is how you do it:

  1. Click on 'Invoices' in the 'Financial' menu to open the list of invoices.
  2. Click on the number of the invoice to open the details screen.
  3. Click on the 'Check paid' button.


In the invoice, 'Paid' is set to 'Yes' if payment has been made.

In the field 'Paid description' you will find remarks, for example about partial payments. You can also set 'Paid description' as a column in the list of invoices.

Example comments:
  1. The bank entry has not yet received the status 'Processed' in Exact Online. In Exact Online you still have the possibility to process the entry.
  2. The bank entry has been processed and paid.
Prefix number invoice.

In Coachview, do you use a prefix for the invoice number consisting of a number of digits?

Then it can still be used. When checking the invoice for payment, the prefix will be removed from the invoice number.

It may never be changed in length as long as the integration is used. However, the prefix as content may be changed.

This is allowed:  old prefix number = 2018 | new prefix number = 2019.

This is not allowed: old prefix number = 90 | new prefix number = 900.

Service center.

If the integration has been set up, the following parameters must be set in the Service centre. It does not matter if the integration is already active.

You can read how to do this in the steps of the presentation below.