For each course, you decide whether the planned trainres will be able to agree or disagree. Once you have opened the course, you can do this by turning the 'Publication schedule' option on or off in the 'General' tab. This option is disabled by default for new courses.


Via the tab 'Parts' and the button 'Plan' you can plan the course.

If you plan an trainer and/or location, the planning status is automatically set to 'Unknown'.

If you have set the trainers themselves to indicate whether they agree, you do not have to do anything.

For the location you have to indicate whether the planning is approved. This is done by clicking on the icon and choosing the correct status from the list.

This could look like this.

This also applies to the trainer, also per trainer you can determine the status by clicking on the icon behind the name of the trainer.

If you want to know who filled in the availability per part / trainer, hover your mouse over the planning status icon. You will then get information about who and when the status has changed.

Example 1:
In this example, it was not the trainer but the back office that changed the status.

Example 2:
In this example, the trainer has changed the status himself/herself.