
All relationships are recorded in different files using the function 'Company' and or the function 'Person', which you can find under function group 'Search'.

Think for example of a company, a location where you give training, a catering company, your own company, etc.

Persons are for example the participants, your own employees, the contacts at customers or suppliers, trainers, lotus employees, examiners, managers, etc.

It might be interesting to be able to subdivide your business and personal relationships, for example from a marketing technical/commercial point of view. This can be done with the help of category groups and the categories that fall under them. Categories make it easier to distinguish and search for a company or person.

Information that is not standard offered by Coachview can be recorded in one or more free fields.

Schematic design and use of companies and persons.

Roadmap companies.
We raden je aan deze les te volgen.
Differentiate and make the search for one or more companies easier.

Using a category, indicate whether a company is, for example, a customer or a prospect, or perhaps a supplier, what region or industry it belongs to, etc. Use a category group and the corresponding categories.

Enter one or more free fields.

Free fields allow you to keep track of extra information that Coachview does not offer to companies by default.

The company file.

Create, modify or delete a business.

Roadmap person.
We raden je aan deze les te volgen.Differentiate and make the search for one or more people easier.

Distinguish and search for one or more people more easily using categories. For example, you indicate that the person should be included for the Christmas mailing, what type of person is a person, what industry a person is responsible for, etc.
Enter one or more free fields.

With free fields you keep extra information that by default is not offered to a person by Coachview.
The personal file.

Create, modify or remove a person.

Create a trainer, trainer roles.

A trainer is a person from the personal database and is used when planning a course.

With a role you can qualify a trainer.

Merge data of persons.

In Coachview it is possible to merge two people, where all data is stored and merged.

Quickly change data of several people.

In Coachview it is possible to quickly change data for one or more persons:

Anonymize/delete data of a person.

The General Data Protection Regulation (AVG) or General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) was adopted on 25 May 2016. Part of the AVG is the right of forgetting. Upon request you as a user of Coachview can anonymize / delete a person.