Distinguish and search for one or more companies more easily. Use a category to indicate whether a company is a customer or a prospect, or perhaps a supplier, to which region or industry it belongs, etc. Use a category group and the corresponding categories.

Company category group: main category, which can be further subdivided via company categories.
Company category:

category/characteristic of a company.


Category group, that's how you do it.:

1.In the function group 'Category', click on the function 'Company category group' and the search screen will open.
2.Click on the button 'New'.
3.Insert the name and click 'Save & Back'.
4.Repeat steps 2 and 3 to create a new category group.

  1. In the search screen, click on the name of the category group.
  2. Click on 'Edit'.
  3. Change the name.
  4. Click on 'Save & Back'.
The category group has now been changed everywhere.

  1. In the search screen, click on the name of the category group.
  2. Click on 'Edit'.
  3. Click on 'Remove' and 'OK'.
  4. If you get the message 'Category group is still being used', you can no longer delete the category group. Check 'Inactive' if you no longer want to use the category group.

Category, that's how you do it:

1.Click in function group 'Category' on the function 'Company category'. The search screen opens.
2.Click on the 'New' button.
3.Fill in the name.
4.Click on the magnifying glass and select the category group with the left mouse in the pop-up window 'Company category group'.

If the category group does not yet exist, close the pop-up window and create a new category group using the plus button.

5.Click on 'Save & Back'.
6.Repeat steps 2 to 5 to create a new category.

  1. Click on the name of the category in the search screen.
  2. Click on 'Edit'.
  3. Change the name and/or category group 
  4. Click on 'Save & Back'.
The category has now changed everywhere.

  1. Click on the name of the category in the search screen.
  2. Click on 'Edit'.
  3. Click on 'Delete' and 'OK'.
  4. If you get the message 'There are still companies linked to the category' then you cannot delete the category. Check 'Inactive' if you don't want to use the category anymore..

Please note:  an inactive category that has been added to a company will not be removed from the company file and is still visible there.

Assigning categories to a company, that's how you do it:

1.Find the company, and open the details screen by clicking on the name in the search screen.
2.You arrive on the tab 'General', click on the button 'Edit'.
3.Scroll down and click on the magnifying glass to the right of the categories box.

A pop-up window with the different choices will appear.

4.Select one or more categories from the screen.
5.Click on the 'Add' button to add the selected categories.

  1. Select a category from the list using the left mouse button, this will now be highlighted in blue..
  2. Click on the cross to remove the category.
6.Vergeet na het toevoegen of verwijderen niet om op de 'Opslaan' of 'Opslaan & Terug' knop te klikken om de wijzigingen te bewaren.

If you want to link companies, you can use a business category.

Example: Coachview has several branches in the Netherlands and Belgium. You provide training for these different branches and you want a single list of employees for all branches who followed a training course in 2016. Carry out the following steps.

1.Create the category group 'Organisation' and the category 'Coachview.
2.Add the category to all coachview companies.
3.Open the 'Training questions' search screen, which you will find in the 'Search' function group..
4.Click in the search screen on 'Show personal criteria'.
5.Use the magnifying glass under 'Company category' to select the 'Coachview' category.'.
6.Click on 'Show training criteria' and select the status 'Completed'..
7.Select under 'Course start' from the period list 'Last year', the period '1-1-2016' up to and including '31-12-2016' will be filled in for you..
8.Click on 'Search', with the following result: