Create an action template to be used by Coachview stamped and executed.  In this article you will create the action template yourself. You can of course also use an example from our library.

Coachview can perform actions related to a course automatically. You decide what and when this should happen. To modify the action templates to use the automatic actions, rights are required on the Automatic workflow module. At least 1 user needs the module to automatically set and perform actions. Users who do not have the module cannot set an automatic action (templates), but they can view, edit and, if necessary, have the actions performed again.

Send the invitation to the participant 2 weeks before the start of the training. But pay attention, only if the training continues.

  1. For automatic sending of e-mails, it is necessary that the document template that will be used is set up correctly. This means that an email group is set as the sender. Because the e-mails are sent by Coachview, a sender is not automatically known. How to do this read here.
  2. The data group of the document template must be identical to the data group of the action template.
  3. Make your use in the document template of merge codes 'Author' to personalize the mail? Then you can have the author determined by contact person (1) of the study programme. Are you not using this? Then the merge codes are not translated. It is then best to add fixed text

  1. It is useful if you keep the name of the action and document template the same. If you need to link the document template to the action template, you can easily find it in the list of document templates.
  2. It is useful if you have the column 'Document template' in the list of action templates adds. You will then see whether a document template has been added to the action template and which one. The document template name is a link. By clicking on it you open the document template.

Set up the action template:
Click on the function group ‘Template’ and the ‘Action Template’ function.
Click on the 'New' button in the search screen and fill in the following information.

Name:Participant invite [Education:Name] | [Person:NameFull]
When the promotion is created, the name of the training and the participant will be placed in the name of the promotion.
Process:Select the option 'Send email' using the magnifying glass.
Event:Select 'Participant has been added to the training'.
Document template:Select the document template that provides the email with information and the correct layout.
Timing:For example two weeks before the start of the training.
Time:For example, enter 10:00 if you want the invite at 10 o'clock be sent in the morning. Do you enter no time? Then the mail is sent at night.
Create action:Always. The promotion is stamped but is not yet visible because the conditions have not yet been met. If the conditions are met, the action will be visible and executed.
Conditions:Education status = final.
Show action at:Check the following options by default:

You add the action template to one or more training types.