As you could have read in the introduction, sales entries (in the sales diary including general ledger account, cost centre and VAT) are automatically made in Twinfield from the coachview invoices. The debtors of Coachview are automatically created as customer relationships in Twinfield if they do not already exist. You can find out how to set up and (de)activate the link, via the service center in Coachview, here.

Set up:
Click on menu 'Service center' and on menu item 'integrations'. Several panels with possible links will open.
Click on the 'Configure' button in the 'Accounting' panel in the 'Twinfield' box.

Before the link can be activated you need to fill in the standard data in the service center. These are directly visible on the screen. Do you tick 'Advanced settings'? Then you can fill in extra data.

The first field you see on the screen displays the name of the link. By default it will say 'Twinfield', but you may overwrite the name.
  1. If the button is red, the link has not yet been established.
  2. If the button is green then the link is authenticated and established.

Is the button red? Then don't click this button yet, we will do that in one of the next steps.

Panel General:
The code of the administration (office) can be found in Twinfield by selecting "administration" in the menu.
Please note: It is wise to first establish and test the integration from the Coachview training environment to a Twinfield test environment.

The name of the organization, name of the Twinfield environment.

Panel debtor:
Forwarding the debtor number.
  1. You have the following choices:
    1. CompanyPersonalExternId: The debtors were imported from Twinfield. The accounts receivable number is recorded in the company or personal file in tab 'General' as ExternalId.
    2. Debtor number extern: bIs the debtor already in Twinfield and haven't you imported them from Twinfield? Then you can enter the number from Twinfield in the debtor file.
    3. Debit number: This is the number Coachview automatically creates for you. With this number you indicate that new debtors are created in Coachview.
  2. Are you using the 'CompanyPersonalExternId' option? Then you have to fill in here what is entered in the field 'externsource'. Note: this is case sensitive.

Please note: the order is important. In the example, first the external id is selected, if it is not present then the external debtor number is selected, if it is not present then the debtor number is selected.
In the picture, the accounts receivable number is exported to Twinfield in this order:
  1. Externid from the company file (10005)
  2. Debit number extern (20)
  3. Debit number: (00326)

Panel financial:
1. The choices are invoice date, export date, invoice start date order, invoice end date order. Select your invoice start date order or invoice end date order? Then you need to set the following options:
You can do this via menu 'Service center' and menu item 'Options'. You can find these options in the 'Invoice' panel. If you open an invoice file you will see both dates in tab 'General' at the bottom.
2 If the choice from option 1 is not known, this choice will be selected. You have the same choices as with option 1.

Would you like to enclose a project code? Then select one of the following options:
  1. Request number.
  2. Reference number that you filled in with the request.
  3. Reference number you filled in with the invoice.
  4. Code course.
  5. Code course definition.
Do you choose option 2 or 3? Then fill in the reference number with the application/invoice. It is mandatory to fill in per debtor can be arranged via option

Determine when the final invoices should be exported to Twinfield.
  1. Realtime: the invoice and debtor data are directly exported. This is done by means of an automatic action 'Link InvoiceExportingAccounting'. The action template that stamps this action is automatically created by Coachview and you can edit it yourself.
  2. BulkNachts: Invoices and debtor data are sent at a certain time of the night. Please send an e-mail to our support department ( They will make sure that the export is carried out through a job in the repetition (day/week/month) of your choice.

Activate link:
Activate the link as follows:
  1. Click on the 'Save' button to save the completed data.
  2. Click on the 'Enable' and 'Confirm' buttons.
  3. Click on the red button 'Authenticate', log in to your Twinfield administration and follow the steps.

Is it successful then you see the message (example): Valid token information available: 01-02-2019 - 01:10, expiration date: 01-02-2019 - 02:10'. The button 'Authenticate' turns green.
Check the connection by pressing 'test connection'.
The connection has not been established.
The connection has been successfully established.
The clutch is always possible:
  1. To be paused. This means that there is no more contact with Twinfield. Click on the 'Resume' button to cancel the pause.
  2. Will be removed.
  3. To be tested again.

Additional options you can't capture in the service center:
Setting which debtors and invoices are sent is possible via the options (menu 'Service center' and menu item 'Options'.
In the 'Debtor' panel you will find the following option:
In the panel 'Invoice' you will find the following option:

Please note: In the service center you cannot set the paid registration. Two jobs have to be set up for that. The payment status and the payment date can be retrieved. Our support department can help you with this (