These are the most common messages you will find in the list of invoices (column = 'Confirmed description') or in the invoice in Coachview:
Error message: Cannot send invoice to Twinfield, error message: Error occurred when creating/changing debtor (<number> - <name>): - ascription(<name account holder): Beneficiary is invalid. ).
The account name in the debtor file may only be 40 characters long. In this case, the account name consists of more than 40 characters.

Error message: Cannot send invoice to Twinfield, error message: Error occurred when creating/changing debtor (80000): ).
The length of the debtor number/client number does not match the settings in Twinfield. For example, in Twinfield it is set that the debtor number must contain 8 digits. The debtor number in Coachview is only 5 digits long..

Error message: Cannot send invoice to Twinfield, error message: Error occurred when creating/changing debtor (<number> - <name>): ) The code does not conform to the format [4-7][0-9][0-9].
The debtor number/customer number used by Coachview does not match the settings in Twinfield. For example, in Twinfield it is set that the debtor number should be between 4000 and 7999.

Error message: The booking is not balanced. There is no 21.00 credit.//The booking does not balance in the base currency. There is missing 21.00 credit. - barrel code(21): VAT 21 does not exist or is not (yet) active. '.
The code of the VAT number as recorded in Coachview does not match the code in Twinfield.

Error message: Error occurred when creating/modifying debtor (18156 - Hendriks.): - substitutionlevel(1): Dimension 11300 with financial level 1 not found. - substitutionwhite(11300): 11300 dimension with financial level 1 not found. - childvalidation(11300): Ledger account 11300 does not exist. )'.
The general ledger account number used for new debtors has not been set correctly. Check the master debtor or contact Twinfield support.

Errod message: '- dim3(19648): Dimension 19648 does not appear in administration G13835400. '.
In the service center it is indicated that project code is generated by Coachview. In Twinfield this is then placed in the Project/activum field. The project code sent from Coachview must exist in Twinfield. In this case the project code does not exist in Twinfield.