Sales lines overview.

You can create an overview of sales lines using the 'Financial' menu and the 'Sales line' menu item.

You can search directly for the name of a sales line. Do you want more search criteria? Then click on the 'more...'. Fill in one or more criteria, and click on 'Search'.

Click on the name of a sales line to open it and edit or delete it.

Editing sales lines.

In bovenstaande overzicht heb je ook de mogelijkheid om verkoopregels in 'bulk' aanpassen:
That's how you do it:
  1. If applicable, find one or more sales lines.
  2. Click on 'Edit.
  3. Change one or more values.
  4. Select one or more sales lines by ticking them.
  5. Click on 'Save'.

You can adjust the following values: