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How to create a document and send a mailing.

Documents and mailings in Coachview: introduction

Introduction. In Coachview documents can be distinguished into internal and external documents. Internal documents: You can create and edit an internal document yourself. For this you use a document template. This ensures that your document has a uniform look and feel, according to your ow...

Versie: Fri, 16 Dec, 2022 at 1:06 PM
Make the attendance list.

Introduction. Sometimes it is possible to create, print or e-mail only one internal document. For example, an attendance or participant list for a training course, a quotation for an application or an overview of registered employees at a company. See how to do this using this video (2:31): ...

Versie: Fri, 16 Dec, 2022 at 1:06 PM
Invite the participants via a mailing.

Introduction. With the help of a mailing, print or e-mail, you can send documents with information about the chosen course to, for example, participants who are registered, teachers who have been scheduled for the course, contact persons of customers and locations. See how to do this using th...

Versie: Fri, 16 Dec, 2022 at 1:06 PM
Upload external document(s) in Coachview.

Physical external documents, such as a PDF, Outlook Message, MS-Word or MS-Excel, can be uploaded to a specific file. Think for example of the signed attendance list you want to upload for a course, homework assignments for a course type or quotations for an application. It is possible to upload...

Versie: Fri, 16 Dec, 2022 at 1:06 PM