
How often a participant receives classroom training or follows an e-learning in their own time can be determined by the number of partsthat you add to a course definition. This can also be seen as the curriculum, and can consist of days or half-days. But you can also think of an extensive lesson schedule in which you decide hour by hour what kind of lesson will be given, by which teacher and in which classroom. Perhaps you would like to make it clear that a lunch and/or dinner will be served and that there will be a drink at the end of the day. But you might want to make it clear that a simple class schedule is prescribed. For example day 1, day 2 and on day 3 in the morning class and in the afternoon an exam. Define the standard duration, minimum and maximum number of participants, attendance and success requirements for each part of the course. Link a standard teacher and/or location to one or more parts as required.

This is how you make the course definition

The data of the item is recorded in different tabs. Which tabs are visible depends on the modules that have been set up for you and the permissions that you have been given.In this example you can see all available tabs. Numbers in a tab indicate that information has been entered or added. When you create a new item, you start in the 'General' tab.
See how to do this using this video (5:08):

Make the part:
Specify the following information:
Haven't you opened the course definition yet? Then click on the name of the programme type in the search screen.
Click on the tab 'Parts'.
Click on the button 'New' and fill in the following data:
Use the code of the type of training and add a sequential number. For example, TCV-01, TCV-02, TCV-03O (morning) and TCV-03M (afternoon). The code must be unique.
This concerns the (general) name of the training day. For example, you can fill in: 'Day 1: introductory lecture' or only 'Day 1'. The names of the training days can come back as a curriculum on the attendance list or as communication to the students, clients and teachers.

Describe the lesson, or let us know that the participant has to prepare or bring extra material to the lesson.

Teaching method:
You can choose between 'classroom' or 'e-learning / digital'. Select your e-learning and the option will appear to indicate that you want to link to 'aNewSpring' or 'Moodle' or 'Certwell' and to which course or exam ('Code e-learning') in one of these three platforms.

Duration in hours:
This is the number of hours per day that a participant is in the classroom.

Time of:

Standard start time of the lesson.

Note: do not fill in this form if the starting time often changes, you can then fill it in at the training.

Time till:
Standard end time of the lesson.

Note: do not fill in the end time if it often changes, you can fill it in at the training.

Min. participants:
The minimum number is important in view of whether or not a course will take place. If you set the course to 'Final', the course will continue, and you will receive a warning if there are not enough participants registered. You can ignore this warning.

Max. participants:
The maximum number of participants. If the maximum has been reached during the training and you manually register another participant, a notification will follow. You can ignore this.  If you register a participant who has registered via the website/training portal, this participant will automatically be placed on the waiting list. It is still possible to register this participant via the waiting list.

Days after the last part:
Do you use roasting, but the training is not given every day, week or month?

Please indicate here the number of days after the previous section.

Example: the first part starts on 10-07-17, the second part says '5 days after'. During the roasting, day 2 on 15-04-17 is scheduled. In the third part it says '3 days after'. Day 3 is then scheduled on 18-07-1.

Study load:
The number of hours an average participant needs to prepare for the lesson.

Attendance requirement:
Check this option if you want to keep track of your attendance (yes/no) at the programme.

Passing requirement:
Check this option if you want to keep track of the success (yes/no) of the programme.

Location role:

Fill in this form if you want to make it compulsory to select a room that meets these requirements during the planning of the course.

Click on the magnifying glass to open the search screen with location roles.

Note: You must have set these up first!

Location :
If the lesson always takes place at this location, please fill in the form below. You can always change the location of the course.

Click on the magnifying glass to open the search screen with locations.

Note: You must have set these up first!

If the item is no longer in use and you cannot delete it, select this option.

Click 'Save & Back' to save the asset and return to the asset list.

Click on 'New' to create the next item.

When you add a new item, the data you entered in the previous item, with the exception of code and name, will automatically be copied. If necessary, you can change this information.

Disconnect a component from the course definition:
Click on the tab 'Parts'.
Click on the 'Pair/Disconnect' button.

Click on the name of the item to be disconnected.

The line will be colored blue. Click on the cross.

Repeat this for all parts you want to disconnect.

Note: If this is the last part of the training course, disconnection is not possible.
Click on the 'Save & Back' button.

Link a part from another course definition:
Click on the tab 'Parts'.
Click on the 'Pair/Disconnect' button.
Click on the magnifying glass to show the search screen with species parts.

Search and select one or more components.

Click on the 'Add' button, the species parts will be added and the search screen will close.

Note: You can't connect a part twice.
Click on the 'Save & Back' button.

  1. If you are going to print certificates/diplomas from, it is useful to have the attendance and / or pass requirement kept up to date in Coachview.
  2. With the button 'Schedule' you can set a schedule pattern. For example, the programme takes place every week.