If a participant is subscribed or unsubscribed to an e-learning component in Coachview, Coachview performs an automatic action. It is possible that this action cannot be executed and will be rejected. Below you will find the most common reports.

Participant could not register in Moodle. The expected token is "" or "". Line 1, position 50.
This problem is caused by:
  1. in the Coachview.net parameter 'MoodleURL' the URL has not been entered correctly. Don't forget to add '/webservice/rest/server.php?' to your Moodle URL. -> http(s)://moodle.coachview.net/webservice/rest/server.php?.
  2. You may need to add in the URL www -> http(s)://moodle.coachview.net/webservice/rest/server.php?.

    in the Coachview.net parameter 'MoodleToken' the Moodle token is not entered correctly, or the token is no longer valid.

Participant could not register in Moodle. Invalid service - IP.212....
The problem is that when Moodle was set up, the wrong IP restriction address was entered when the token was created. This can only be solved by creating a new token with the restriction address from the error message. Note: in the Coachview service center, the MoodleToken parameter must be filled in with the new token.
Participant could not register in Moodle. Feedback: E-learning code blank
Registration was unsuccessful because no 'e-learning code' was entered in the course unit with the form 'e-learning'.
Participant could not register in Moodle. 2 / Message: cohort id not exists.
Register unsuccessfully because the correct cohort id has not been entered in the course part with the form 'e-learning'.
Participant could not register in Moodle. user could not find in moodle
The participant has already been (manually) created in Moodle: the 'Persoonsid' or 'Externid' of Coachview does not match the 'ID number' of Moodle.
Participant could not register in Moodle. Feedback: enrol_manual_enrol_users:...No access to the course or activity
The course is still on 'hide' in Moodle.
Participant could not register in Moodle. Not even with website policy.
The Moodle learning environment uses the privacy and policy settings for the AVG.

In Site Administration > Privacy and Policies > User Agreements on behalf of the web service account, please consent (agree) to the terms and conditions set.

Debug info: invalid service - IP.  is not supported - check this allowed user.
The IP address of Coachview's live or workout environment, set in Moodle, is not correct and may change the token in Moodle when the IP address is changed.

If this is the case, the new token will need to be reset in Coachview's service centre.

You don't have the permission to assign this role (0) to the user.
In Coachview, parameter 'MoodleStudentRoleId' has not been entered correctly.
User cannot find in moodle with idnumber
You are trying to register a participant in Moodle with an email address that is already known in Moodle but has been assigned to another person in Moodle.
Invallid parameter value detected / debug info: context does not exist
The code e-learning, entered in the section of the course, cannot be found as a course member in Moodle.
Invalid parameter value found.
This error message can be caused by:
  1. The code e-learning, filled in in the part of the course, cannot be found as a course member in moodle
  2. In the personal file e-mail 1 has not been filled in. Email 1 is used to create the username in Moodle.
  3. The Number (ID) is not known in Moodle, but the email address is. It is therefore not possible to create a new person.
  4. The service centre states that the e-mail address from the personal file must be used as the user name in Moodle. However, the e-mail address contains a strange character (e.g. '+' -> '[email protected]'). Foreign characters may not be used as user names in Moodle.
Username already exists.
User name already exists: a user has already been created in Moodle with the same e-mail address, such as the e-mail address 1 of the participant in Coachview. However, the user in Moodle does not have an ID number (External ID or Personal ID from Coachview).
Thread was being aborted.
There are tasks in Moodle that take too much time to process the request from Coachview. The execution of the action is aborted by Coachview.
Participant (name of participant) could not be registered in Moodle. Feedback: - Error message 'Subscribe': GetUserIdFromMoodle:GetIdnumberFromPerson: External source of person 'Coachview' does not match the external source 'AFAS' in the settings.
Coachview's service centre has been set up to use the ExternId, entered in the personal file, to identify a user in Moodle. Only Externid's may be used in combination with Externource 'AFAS'. In the example, an ExternId has been entered, but 'Coachview' has been entered as Externource.
Courseid must be numeric.
In the course part a course id is filled in with letters. Only numbers are allowed.
Courseid must be numeric.
In the course partt a course id is filled in with letters. Only numbers are allowed.
Manual enrolment plugin does not exist or has been disabled for the course id
Two causes:
  1. The specified course member does not appear in Moodle.
  2. The register plugin is not enabled or disabled on the course.

In case of option 2:
Make sure the login plugin is turned on. You can do this via 'Site management' -> 'Plugins' -> 'Logins' -> 'Manage login plugins'.
Check whether manual enrolment is enabled during the course. You can do this by opening the course and clicking on menu item 'Participants'. Click on the wheel (settings) and choose the option 'Registration methods'.

Solution not yet known.

We'll work on it as soon as possible.

ActieProcesUitvoeren_ElearningInschrijven:LoadKoppeling: KoppelingCustomer niet gevonden. Info: LoadKoppeling via: intKoppelingCustomerId: 0, intCustomerId: 0, intKoppelingId: 0
The action is carried out for a corse part in which no e-learning environment is selected.