Course definition category group.

If it is interesting to divide the course definitions, you can use course definition category groups and course definition categories. You can quickly find specific information in Coachview with the help of course definition category categories. You start by creating one or more course category groups.
A course definition category group can be divided into one or more course definition categories. 

You can create more than one course definition category group. Only one course definition category can be added to one course definition category group.  With a course definition category group you can easily search for corresponding course defintion categories.

You can define a course definition category group via the menu 'Category' and menu item 'Category group course definition'.
The search screen opens.

  1. Click on the 'New' button to create a new category group.
  2. Gives the course definition category group a clear name.
  3. Click 'Save & Back' to create the group and return to the search screen.

Please note: the name must be unique. You'll get a warning if the name already exists.

  1. Click on the name of the course definition category group to change it.
  2. Click on 'Edit', you can now change the name.
  3. Click 'Save & Back' to create the group and return to the search screen.

Please note: the name must be unique.

  1. Click 'Edit' and 'Delete' and 'OK'. 

Please note: Is the category group still used or is it still linked? Then deleting is not possible. You don't want to use it anymore, do you? Then tick 'Inactive'. The category group is no longer shown or can no longer be selected in the different search screens of Coachview.

Publish (on or off):
With the button 'Publish' you can publish all active course definition categories that fall under this group in one go. This means that the check mark 'Publish website' is placed in the course definition category.
With the button 'Don't publish' you can turn off all active course definition categories that fall under this group at once. This means that in the course type category the check mark 'Publish website' is unchecked.

Please note: this only has an impact when linked to your website. Do you use the training portal? Then nothing changes.

Have you opened a course definition category group and added course definition categories? Then you can see at a glance how many of these categories have been published.

Insight and maintenance of the added course definition categories:
Via the tab 'Category course definition' you can immediately see which training type categories have been added to the category group.
Using the button 'New' (1) create a new course defintion category and add it to the category group.
Using the button 'Edit' (2) you change one or more course defintions categories in bulk.

Select the course definitions categories you want to edit.

  1. Move the selected course definition categories to another course definition category group.
  2. Change the publiction.
  3. Determine whether the selected course defintion categories on inactive or active be put.
Don't forget to click 'Save'.