
Your range of courses, refresher courses, workshops, seminars, symposiums, etc. can be recorded with the help of course definitions. A course definition is a blueprint / template of a course. The more accurate the information is entered according to your standard, the easier it is to create and plan a course. So think carefully about what course definition you are giving or will be giving. This blueprint can be used to create a new course each time. Imagine that a certain course is offered three times a year, then you can quickly and easily create three courses in Coachview using the course type. Each course has its own (different) start and end date, teachers who give the course and locations where the course takes place. Participants can now register on a specific date.
Introduction video (1:18):
The details of your course defintion are recorded in various tabs. Which tabs are visible depends on the modules that have been set up for you and the rights you have been given. In this example you will see all available tabs. Numbers in a tab indicate that information has been entered or added. If you create a new course definition, you start in the tab 'General'. Would you like to know more? Watch the video or read the instructions.

This is how you make the course definition.

You can create a new course definition via the 'Search' menu and the 'Course definition' menu item.
Click on the plus sign in the menu to create a new course definition or click on the magnifying glass to open the search screen. In the search screen, click on the 'New' button.
You'll end up in the 'General' tab.

Code (mandatory). 

Use a unique code.

  1. If you are already using codes, you can use them.
  2. You can also use every first letter of every word in the name.
  3. You can also start with 001 and number through.

Please note: you may not use the following characters in the code '{' and '}' and '<'. In the training portal, the course definitions that have been published are shown using a URL. For security reasons, these characters are not allowed in the URL.

Name (mandatory).

The name of the course definition. You use this name in your correspondence with the participants, contacts and teachers.

Original course definition.

You can leave these empty for now.

Contact person.

This is the owner of the training type, a Coachview user who is responsible for this course definitions and the courses. You can fill in the owner in the following two ways:

  1. Fill in the last name, based on what you fill in a list will be shown. Choose the owner from the list.
  2. Click on the magnifying glass, a pop-up window appears with a list of names. Fill in the name and click on 'Search'. Select the owner by clicking on the line.

Please note: the contact person automatically becomes the contact person of the courses you create with the help of this course definition. In a course, your work process is recorded with actions. The contact person automatically becomes the owner of all actions for which no owner has been assigned yet.


If you have created a new course definiton, it will be given the initial status. This indicates that the ourse definiton has not yet been completed. Please note: This course definition cannot yet be used. To do so, you must first define the curriculum in components and activate the course definition.

The note fields.

The note fields objective, target group, preparatory course, description and enter remarks can be used for information on the website or training portal or as general information for the training. They can also be used for extra information that you want to add to documents that you send or print by e-mail.


Have you chosen that a participant may only be registered after permission from, for example, a manager? Then this field is visible and you can choose from these options:

  1. Not applicable: you may register a participant without permission.
  2. Manually: you don't know in advance who has to give permission, you only determine this when you register.
  3. Supervisor: the supervisor must give permission.

Publication website.

Check this option if the course definition and the courses you are creating should be visible on your own website or on the training portal. Please note: Do not tick until you have defined the curriculum in sections and activated the course type.

Publication website.

Check this option if the course definition and the courses you are creating should be visible on your own website or on the training portal. Please note: Do not tick until you have defined the curriculum in sections and activated the course type.

Publication portal.

If you have checked the option 'publication website' and you are using the training portal, so not your own website, please select the name of the training portal here. You can select multiple training portals.


If it is interesting to divide the course definitions into groups, you can use the course definition categories. It's always handy to bundle information from several course definition or courses in reports. A category that has been published can be found on the training portal as a menu item.


Couple a course definition and fill in the start and end date repetition if you want to gain insight into which participants, in which period, have to follow a repetition.

Period of validity.

Is the training question completed, and is it approved? Then the training question is automatically created and the validity date is calculated. The new training question is created using the training type that is filled in at option 'Repeat'. This validity date is based on the approval date of the basic training question plus the validity period as entered for this training type. The validity date can be found in the course question created with this course type. The validity date is useful if you want to keep track of how long a certificate is valid, and do not want to use the start and end date waiting list or date approval.


If you have already used this course definition, you cannot remove it. Check if the training type is no longer used, the course definition is no longer visible.

Click on 'Save' or 'Save & Back' to create the course definition.

Click on the name of the course definintion in the search screen to change it.

A course definition can only be removed if:
  1. No training courses, training questions, applications or job applications have been made yet.
  2. No information has been added to the various tabs.

Can't you remove a course definition? Then click on the 'Inactive' option in the 'General' tab.