When a person leaves service, data must be deleted automatically.

What's going on?
If you put a person on inactive, an action is created. If this action is performed automatically or manually, data will be removed from the personal file.

What it takes?
An action template that creates an automatic action when a person is set to inactive.

Name:Persoon uit dienst [Persoon:NaamVolledig]
Data group:Person
Proces:Person out of service
Event:Person is inactive
Timing:0 working days after occurrence of event

You can activate the action template using the 'Manage' menu and the 'Parameters' menu item. Go to the tab 'Action templates'. Click on the 'Add' button, select the action template in the pop-up window and click on the 'Add' button.

What is removed (if applicable):
  1. Participant questions with waiting list status will be cancelled. Please note: the corresponding application will not be set to expire. You can still be invoiced if the application has the sales status 'Order'.
  2. The person is removed from the competence manager.
  3. The person is removed from the target group(s). This means that the person is put on inactive.
  4. Internet calendar with type 'Person' will be deleted.
  5. The person is removed from the training portal as a user.
  6. Balance person is removed, the mutations and periods remain visible.

When is the action rejected?
  1. If there is a training question with 'scheduled' status. This will not be deleted.
  2. If there is a training question with 'waiting list' status, of which one or more components are scheduled. This will not be removed.
  3. If the person is a teacher. Trainer file remains active.

Note: the person remains inactive.