As you read in the introduction, you can, for example, keep track of a person's spendable amount and/or the number of credits to be gained. You can do this by setting up one or more balances. On balance, one or more periods can be entered. The balance determines for all periods when the amount will be definitively deducted or the credits will be added. You do this by determining the mutation type and mutation timing. If you add a person to a balance, this person will automatically be added to all periods.

Where do I do that?

You make a balance via function group 'Course data' and function 'Balance'.

Click on the magnifying glass to open the Balance research screen.

This is how you do it:

1.Click on 'New'.
2.Give a name to the new balance.
3.Select a mutation type: determines when the budget is finally allocated.
  • Training question created: the date on which the training question is created, the status of the training question is 'waiting list' or 'scheduled'.
  • Training question scheduled: the date on which the training question is enrolled in a course, the status of the training question is 'scheduled'.
  • Training question completed: the date on which the training question is completed, the status of the training question is 'completed'.
  • Training question approved: the date on which the training question is approved.
4.Select a mutation timing: determines which date is used to choose the period, also becomes the mutation date.

Training question start date:

If the start date of the training question has been filled in, this start date will be used.

  • If the start date is not filled in, the start date of the course will not be filled in when registering for a course.
  • If the start date is not filled in, the (current) date of the day on which the training question is added to the balance will be used. This can for example be the day on which the new period is created, or the day on which the person or type of training is added to the balance period.
  • If the training question is therefore not placed in the desired period, you can solve this by opening the training question and entering the start date of the training as the start date of the training question.
Training question end date:If the end date of the training question has been filled in, this end date will be used.

  • If the end date is not filled in, the end date will not be filled in with the end date of the course when registering for a course.
  • If the end date is not filled in, the date on which the training question was created will be used.  The budget of a training question that was created in December 2016, with no start date filled in, for which the training is given in 2017, will be allocated to the period in 2016 and not to the period in 2017. You can solve this by opening the training question and filling in the end date of the training as the end date of the training question.
Training request date agreement:the date on which the training question is automatically or manually accepted.
Take over residual value:When a new balance period commences, the residual value from the previous balance period will be adopted. If you want to make use of this functionality you have to tick this box. You can also set a maximum limit for this.
5.Click 'Save' to save the balance.
6.Insert one or more periods | This way you add a balance period!
7.Add more people to the balance:
If you add one or more persons to the balance, these persons will automatically be added to all periods.
  • Click on the tab 'Balance person'.
  • Click on 'Add'.
  • Select one or more persons.
  • Click on 'Add' if you want to select and add more people.
  • Click 'Add & Close' to add the selected persons and close the screen.

Remove persons from the balance:
  • Click on 'Delete'.
  • Select one or more persons.
  • Click on 'Delete'.

Please note that these removed persons will not be removed from the periods.

Delete balance:

A balance, including the added periods and persons, can only be deleted if no automatic or manual mutations have taken place. It is then possible to set a mutation to inactive. The added periods will automatically be set to inactive.


You can search the Balance search screen by:

  • balance name
  • inactive yes/no or yes or no.
  • budget monitoring yes/no or yes or no.