Filtering of parts.

It is possible to apply filters when repeating data in different data groups. This allows you, for example, to ensure that only the first or the last two items are shown instead of all items or that only the first result is shown on a certificate. This is done by using extra text in the merge code, for example \@ filter:top=1.

  1.  'top' voor de eerste x items uit de lijst
  2.  'bottom' voor de laatste x items uit de lijst
  3.  'skip' sla een x aantal items over.
Let op
  1. spatie voor @\
  2. spatie na @\
  3. scheidingsteken na FILTER -> (dubbelpunt)
  4. scheidingsteken voor de skip -> (punt komma).

These are the possibilities, example with course units:
  1. Only the first: [CoursePart \@ FILTER:top=1]
  2. Only the first five: [CoursePart \@ FILTER:top=5]
  3. Only the second one: [CoursePart \@ FILTER:top=1;skip=1]
  4. Only the third one: [CoursePart \@ FILTER:top=1;skip=2]
  5. The second and the third: [CoursePart \@ FILTER:top=2;skip=1]
  6. Skip the first 5 and show a maximum of 10: [CoursePart \@ FILTER:top=10;skip=5]
  7. The last three:  [CoursePart \@ FILTER:bottom=3]
  8. The last 5, for the very last one: [CoursePart \@ FILTER:bottom=5;skip=1]
  9. Skip the first one and show the rest: [CoursePart \@ FILTER:skip=1]

Example 1: editor 2 filtering parts:

Only the last two parts should be shown.

If you do not use a table, you can add the filter directly into the merge code.

Do you use a table? Then you have to place the filtering in HTML code.
Example 2: editor 3 filtering parts:

In editor 3 you can only add the filter via HTML. Click on '<> HTM'. But beware: there is a difference between adding the filter option when using a table and when not.

Example 1: no table is used here.

Filter option is visible.

Example 2: a table is used here.
Filter option is not visible.

We have developed a case for you: Filter parts invitation into a blende e-learning.

Filtering participants paid Yes/No.

It is possible to apply a filter so that only the participants who have or have not paid are shown. You can do this by using extra text in the merge code, for example \@ FILTER:betaald=false.

  1.  'false' only those participants who have not paid will be shown.
  2.  'true' only the participants who have paid will be shown.
  1. blank before@\
  2. blank after @\
  3. separator after FILTER -> (dubbelpunt)
  4. separator after paid -> = (equal to sign).

These are the possibilities, example with course parts:
  1. There is paid [CourseParticipant \@ FILTER:paidv=true]
  2. There is no payment [CourseParticipant \@ FILTER:paid=false]

Example 3: enumeration of participants, paid or not:
  1. Course data group: [CourseParticipant \@ FILTER:paird=true] of [CourseParticipant \@ FILTER:paid=false]