Experienced Expert

Set up a document template to send an e-mail to a registered participant in your own house style with the Moodle or Ilias login details. The login name, password and URL are automatically generated and included in the email.

This article applies to the following e-learning systems:
  1. Moodle.
  2. Ilias

When is this document template used to send the e-mail?
When a participant is subscribed to an e-learning component, Coachview creates an action that after activation (manually or automatically) checks whether the participant exists in your e-learning system. Is this not the case? Then the participant is created as a student, gets access to the course and from Coachview the e-mail with login details is automatically sent. Does the student exist? Then this does not happen and only access to the course is granted.

Please note that this mail with login details will be sent separately. We advise you to send an e-mail (invitation) separately. If the participant is already known in your e-learning system, he or she will not receive the e-mail with login details again.

Zo maak je de document template.

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