A brief instruction to take care of it:
  1. That a link, placed in one or more note fields of the course definition, description of the sales line placed with the course definition, can be shown and activated on the education portal. Link can open another web page or a PDF.
  2. HTML codes can be used for a simple layout of the training portal.
  3. Via a document template, used to send an e-mail, open a PDF on the internal network.

Link to open web page:
Example link:
[url _blank http://www.coachview.netBezoek voor meer informatie]
url _blank

The web page opens on a separate tab.

Note: Between url and _blank a space must be left between

http://www.coachview.netThis is the link to open.
Bezoek voor meer informatie

    This is the text that will be visible on the training portal.

Clicking on it will open the web page.

Attention: start and end with the block hooks [ ]

Open link PDF:

Example link:
[url _blank hier voor meer informatie]
url _blank

The web page opens on a separate tab.

Note: there must be a space between url and _blank. is the PDF to open. Do not put spaces in the name, for example use '_'.
Klik hier voor meer informatieThis is the text that will be visible on the education portal.
Clicking on it will open the PDF.

<b>Bold</b>Text is shown in bold on the training portal.
<i>cursive </i>Text is displayed cursive in the education portal.
<u>Underlined</u>This is not possible!
So-called bullets are also possible. You can first create these in MS-Word and then paste them into a note field. The sometimes long tab distance between bullet and text can be changed to a space.