Price agreements overview.

An overview of price agreements can be made using the 'Financial' menu and the 'Price agreement' menu item.

You can search directly for the name of a price agreement. By default, only the active price agreements are shown. Do you want more search criteria? Then click on the 'more...'. Fill in one or more criteria, and click on 'Search'.

Click on the name of a price agreement to open it.

Editing price agreements.

In the following overviews you can adjust price agreements in 'bulk':
  1. The overview as described above (menu 'financial' and menu item 'price agreement').
  2. For a course definition in the 'Price agreements' tab.
  3. In case of a sales rule in the 'Price agreements' tab.

That's how you do it:
  1. If applicable, find one or more price agreements.
  2. Click on 'Edit'.
  3. Change one or more values.
  4. Select one or more price agreements by ticking them.
  5. Click on 'Save'.

You can adjust the following values:
  1. Name
  2. Value.
  3. Unit.
  4. Type (discount / surcharge / fixed amount).
  5. Inactive (yes / no).

  1. Person (one at a time).
  2. Person category (one at a time).
  3. Company (one at a time).
  4. Company category (one at a time).
  5. Request date from and up to (both fields must be completed).
A person (category) and/or company (category) can be added or deleted.

  1. Description.
  2. VAT rate.
  3. Cost centre.
  4. Ledger account.