Possible error messages from PE Online when performing one of the automatic actions.

400No access; incorrect key The completed userKey does not match the userID
505Invalid XML structureA non-existent element has been given, the element is not of the correct data type or a mandatory element is missing.
100Course [course name] on line [n] does not contain enddate, this is mandatory for e-learning.For the processing of e-learning the field endDate is required.
100Professional [id number] on line [n] does not exist in PEThe professional does not appear in the orgID
Professional on line [n] not specifiedNo professional has been staged
Course on line [n] not specifiedThere is no course
Course [training name] on line [n] does not exist in PEThe course does not appear in the orgID
Course [training name] on line [n] is not unique within PEThe inserted externalCourseID is not unique to this userID.
CCursus [name of course] on line [n] is not (correctly) accredited; Not accredited with a professional group of the organisation [orgID].The training is not (yet) accredited for the orgID in question.
Course [course name] on line [n] is not (correctly) accredited; The date [date] is outside all accr. periods.At the time of attending, the training was no longer accredited
Course [course name] on line [n] is not (correctly) accredited; falls outside all periods that registration can take placePresence input is no longer allowed by the accrediting associations within the orgID
Course [name of course] on line [n] is not (correctly) accredited; the presence of this course in any profession is not done by the trainerPresence input for this training is not done by the provider at the orgID
Course [course name] Module on line [n] not specifiedThe e-learning consists of several modules, then the module must be specified
Course [Training name] Module [ID] on line [n] does not exist in PE.The encapsulated module is not included in the training.
Course [Training name] Module [ID] on line [n] is not unique within PE.The embedded external module ID is not unique to this training course.
Course [course name] on line [ID] does not contain enddate, this is mandatory for groupsFor processing groups, the field endDate is required.

No training for training questions. This is mandatory for type 1 and 4 physical with meetingsTraining request has been manually approved without linking to training. Unsolvable, create a new training question and register for training.

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Possible error messages from PE Online when performing one of the automatic actions.