The forwarding of a participant to PE Online is done automatically with the help of an action template.

You can use an action template with data group 'Training Question' or 'Training Question Part'.

  • Training Question: de deelnemer heeft de opleiding goed doorlopen.
  • Training Question Part: de deelnemer heeft een onderdeel van een opleiding gevolgd.

There are four variants with which a participant can be forwarded, for each variant an action template with the data group can be used or not:
Course with physical meetings (classroom), accreditation per meeting.NoYes
Expertise groups.Not supportedNot supported
Course with physical meetings (classroom), accreditation for total.YesNo

This is how you create this action template:
Via function group 'Template' and function 'Action template' you can create a new action template.

If you want to create and execute the action, please enter the following information:

  • Name: e.g. 'Participant to PE Online [Training: Name] - [Person: Name Complete]'.
  • Data group: select 'Training Question'.
  • Execution: select the option 'Automatic (by stard date/time)'.
  • Process: select 'Send participant to PE-Online'.

Save the data and fill in the form in sequence:
  • Course type: see above in the table.
  • OrgId: the ID of the professional organisation | Click here.
  • Free field person: choose from the list the free field used by your chosen professional organisation. | Click here.
  • Event: select 'Training question created'.
  • Start and end date: enter, for example, '1 We(s) after the end date of the training question'.
  • Time: enter for example '17:00' if you want the action to be carried out at 17:00.
  • Create action: select the option 'Always'.
  • Owner: do not fill in.
  • Links: select the option 'Person', 'Request', and 'Company'.

If you save the data and then open the action template, a number of options have been added:

  1. Status: the option 'All' is enabled by default, but you can also choose 'Executed' or another training status.
  2. Person category: (optional) select one person category to ensure that only persons are forwarded where this category has been added to the personal file.
  3. Company category: (optional) select one company category to ensure that only persons linked to the company where this category has been added are forwarded.
  4. Agree training question: choose between 'n/a' or 'yes' or 'no'. In case of 'yes', the participant must be present or passed for each mandatory part, so 100%!

Save the data and add this action template to one or more Course definitions via the tab 'Course definition'.

Note: if you want to use more than one person and/or company category, you will need to create more than one action template.

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