At personal level, a free field must be created for each registration number. The name and the code of the free field are up to you.

You will need the free field in order to automatically send a participant who has passed a course or component to PE Online via an action template.

  1. Create the free fields (when creating the free fields, select the function 'Person' from the list) | That's how you do it!
  2. An overview of the professional organisations and registration numbers  | Look here!

For the professional organisations 'KNMG-GAIA (medical specialists)', 'KNMP and NVZA (pharmacists)' and 'STADAP / KABIZ / KAOF / SANA (paramedics, operation assistants, pharmacist's assistants)' a BIG number (11 digits) must be registered. Attention: you only need one free field!

For the professional organisation 'Algemene Professionele Opticiens- en Optometristenbond van Belgiƫ' a RIZIV number must be registered.