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You planned the training. Coachview has different methods to register a participant or a group of participants.

In the presentation we explain how to register a participant directly on the course.

Calculating free spaces.

It is possible to let the determination of free spaces depend on whether the submitted and unprocessed web questions have to be taken into account.

1. Web requests (number of participants to be registered) are not counted in the calculation of the free places.

2. Web requests (number of participants to be registered) are included in the calculation of the free places.

You can do this via the option 'Subtract the number of persons from the number of free places in the course or course unit to be processed', via the menu 'Service center' and menu item 'Options'.

This option affects, among other things:

  1. Checks at free places process web requests.
  2. Finalization of a training course: max has been reached earlier on a part. So this warning appears earlier: "MAX: maximum number of students (MAX) reached (number OCCUPIED)".
  3. Internet diary, used in the subject of the event.
  4. Planning module, training.
  5. EDU-DEX (export) status is filled based on this number.