Google Calendar
An automatic link with Google Calendar web version is possible. In Google Calendar your new calendar will be integrated directly into your personal calendar. Google Calendar determines the synchronization time with the internet calendar, which varies around 24 hours.

If you click on an appointment with the left mouse button you will see the following information:

Click on the location in this pop-up window and if this is completed in Coachview, you will be taken directly to Google Maps.

Please note: the examples are made in the new web version of Google Calendar that was realized in October 2017.

Link the Coachview internet calendar to Google Calendar:
The three different types of internet calendars can be linked to your own Google Calendar by following these steps:
  1. Click in Coachview on function group 'Manage' on the function 'Internet calendar' and you will be taken to the overview list with linked calendars.
  2. Select the calendar to be linked by clicking on its name.
  3. Click with the right mouse button on the icon behind 'URL:'.
  4. Click with the left mouse button in the list on 'Copy link address'.

    Go to your Google Calendar

  5. Click on the plus (+) behind 'Add someone else's calendar'.
  6. Click on the option 'Via URL'.
  7. Click on 'Calendar URL' and copy the link address using Ctrl-C.
  8. Click on 'Add calendar'.

  9. Click on the arrow (top left of the screen) to return to your calendar.

Remove the Coachview internet calendar:

You can remove an internet calendar from Google Calendar by clicking on the cross (x) behind the calendar.

The following question is asked:

Click on 'Delete calendar'..