Overview list internet calendars
Click on the 'Management' function group and the 'Internet calendar' function to display the list of linked Internet calendars.

If you have started the list (search screen) then the following columns are available:
  • Name: name of the calendar and hyperlink to go to the details screen.
  • Person: name of the person (= participant) in an agenda for a participant.
  • Trainer: name of the teacher with an agenda for a trainer.
  • Type: type of agenda.
  • URL: https link
  • Webcal: webcals link
  • Description: the description of the agenda.
  • Late-stop retrieved: when the training appointments were last retrieved by one of the linked calendars. This allows you to check if the internet agenda is still active.
  • Course definition.
  • Course definition category.
  • Location.

You can search for a calendar using the following search criteria:
  • Name.
  • Type: none (all), general, trainer, person (participant).
  • Description.
  • Course definition.
  • Course definition category.
  • Location.
  • Person.
  • Trainer

Changing or deleting an internet calendar:
Click on the name of the internet calendar and you will be taken to the details screen.

Click on the 'Edit' button and you're ready to go:
  1. Change the name and description.
  2. Change the type, please note that this will also change the selection of courses to be shown. If you have linked this calendar to your schedule, you can always change the type. If you change the type from 'General' to 'Trainer' and your schedule retrieves the programme appointments, from that moment on only the programme appointments of the selected trainer will be shown. If you change the type from 'Trainer' or 'Person' to 'General', the selected trainer or person will be deleted.
  3. Delete the calendar: click on the 'Delete' button and the calendar will be deleted. The training appointments will no longer be changed for the linked calendars, but will still remain there.
  4. Reset URL: this rebuilds the https link and webcals link. The course appointments will not be changed for the linked calendars until the calendars are linked again.