For a person, make an overview of the courses followed whereby the expired participant requests may not be shown. In the list of participant requests, apply a filter based on one or more participant requests statuses.

What's going on?

When the list is compiled, a filter option ensures that only the participant requests with status 'waiting list, 'scheduled' and 'completed' are shown.

What's it gonna take?
A document template with repetition of the participant requests. In the merge code of the repetition, the filter option is added. With this filter you make sure that one or more participant requests with 'expired' status are not shown.

Find out more?
Read more about filter options in merge codes.


Example document template:
The example was created using documentitor 3.0, data group 'Person'. The participant requests are displayed using a table. You can also apply this filter in data group 'OpleidingsDeelnemer', 'Opleidingsvraag' and 'Factuur'.

The person has the following participant requests:
The participant request with 'expired' status may not be placed on the list.
Use filter option '\@ FILTER:status=10/20/40/99 to show all except the expired participant requests.

These are the status id's:

10 waiting list

20 scheduled

30 cancelled

99 conducted

40 completed

Have you made the document template yet? Then open it.

In the tab 'Editor' (1) click on '<> HTML' (2) to open the source code.

HTML broncode aanpassen:
Scroll in the source code to the table in which the training questions are displayed. You can also use 'ctrl-f' to search for '[OpleidingsVraag]'.
Add to merge code <!--[Opleidingsvraag]--> filter option '\@ FILTER:status=10/20/40'.
Please note: for \@ you have to add a space.
If you leave the source code by clicking on '||| Editor' then the filter option is not visible.

The result:
Generate the document:
Without filter
With Filter.