Automatically arrange course payments and associated invoicing in combination with our Education Portal. 

You can read how to set up and (de)activate the link with Mollie in service center in Coachview here.

Set up and activate link in the service center:
Click in function group 'Service center' on the function 'Links'.

Click on the 'Configure' button in the 'Payment Provider' panel in the 'Mollie' box.
Name the authority.

Fill in the details.

Log in to Mollie and follow:

The ApiKey determines whether you're testing or live

If you have changed or added data, don't forget to click 'Save'.
Click on the 'Activate' button and the 'Confirm' button.

The link is always possible:
  • be paused by clicking on the 'Pause' button.
  • be removed by clicking on the 'Delete' button.
  • be tested by clicking on the 'Test connection' button.

By using the 'Add' button another instance of Mollie can be linked.

Click on the name to open an instance.

Two instances are installed, with the gray background is opened.