Automatically arrange course payments and associated invoicing in combination with our Education Portal. 

You can read how to set up and (de)activate the link with Ingenico via the service centre in Coachview here.

Set up and activate link in service center:
Click in function group 'Service center' on the function 'Links'.

In the 'Payment Provider' panel, click on the 'Configure' button in the 'Ingenico' box.
Give the authority a name.

Fill in the details.

Currency of payment (Iso code, For example: EUR or USD or GBP, etc.)

What environment, test or production should be used to make the payment.

Choose 'Production' or 'Test' from a list.


This is the name you entered during the first login to link jout company to your account.

Log in to your Ingenico environment and click on:

In the example above you fill in 'Education portal' here.
Fill in the language you use:
  • Dutch -> nl_NL
  • English-> en_EN
  • Deutsch -> de_DE.
Payment method:Payment method or payment method group (e.g. CreditCard or iDEAL). If you fill in CreditCard, for example, you can only pay via this specific payment method. Do not fill in anything if this is not applicable. Would you like more information read this article on the Ingenico website.
Not mandatory
Payment methods brand:

Have you filled in a payment method then you can fill in the brand here.

Payment method = 'CreditCard'.

Payment methods brand = 'VISA'. Leave empty if it applies to all credit cards, or leave empty if payment method is not filled in.

Not mandatory
Specific payment methods:
List of selected payment methods and/or brands of credit cards. Separated by ';' (semicolon).


Do you want more information read this article on the Ingenico website.
Not mandatory
Exclude specific payment methods:
Exclude list of selected payment methods and/or brands of credit cards. This is especially useful for sub-brands, when you want to accept a brand (e.g. MasterCard) but not one of its sub-brands (e.g. Maestro). Separated by ';' (semicolon).

Do you want more information read this article on the Ingenico website.


Hash algorithm for signature checks.

Log in to your Ingenico environment and click on:

Choose 'SHA-256' from the list according to this example.

SHA-1-OUT encryption production:

SHA-1-OUT password(s) for encryption production environment for transaction feedback.

Log in to your Ingenico environment and click on:

Mandatory use with Coachview live
SSHA-1-OUT encryption test:
SHA-1-OUT password(s) for encryption test environment for transaction feedback. See above.
Mandatory when using Coachview training
SHA-IN encryption production:

SHA-IN signature for the production environment.

Log in to your Ingenico environment and click on:

Use the same signature for 'Verification for e-Commerce' and 'Verification for DirectLink'!
Mandatory use with Coachview live
SHA-IN encryption test:
SHA-IN signature for the test environment. See above.
Mandatory when using Coachview training
Api User/userID:
Api gebruiker voor direct query.
Log in op jouw Ingenico omgeving en klik op:

Not mandatory
Url production environment:
Production url for direct query (standard:
Mandatory use with Coachview live
Url test environment:
Test environment url for direct query (standard:
Mandatory use with Coachview live
Password user:

Password of the Api user.

Log in to your Ingenico environment and click on:

Layout settings: Do you want more information read this article on the Ingenico website.Not mandatory
Url production environment:
Url for the production environment (standard:
Url test environment:
Url for the test environment (standard:

Click Save if you have added or changed data.
Click on the 'Activate' button and the 'Confirm' button.

The link is always possible:
  • be paused by clicking on the 'Pause' button.
  • will be deleted by clicking on the 'Delete' button.

Using the 'Add' button, another instance of Ingenico can be linked.

Api user for direct query.

Log in to your Ingenico environment and click on: