As you read in the introduction, you can, for example, keep track of the amount that can be spent and/or the number of credits that can be earned by a person. You can do this by setting up one or more balances. On balance, one or more periods can be entered. The budget to be set per period determines the maximum amount to be spent, or the maximum number of credits that can be earned. Periods do not have to be consecutive, but may not overlap.

Where do I do that?

Open a balance and then click on the 'Periods' tab.

This is how you do it using the following steps:

Step 1: Click on 'New'.

Step 2: Enter a name for this period.

Step 3: Determine the budget to be allocated; this could be the maximum number of credits to be earned or the maximum amount to be spent.

Step 4: Enter the date from and up to and including.

Step 5: Click on 'Save & Back' to add another balance period, or

Step 6: Click on 'Save' to set up this period.

Link one or more types of education to the period:
The value of the amount or credits to be settled is determined per type of programme. Taking or having taken a programme of study determines which amount is definitively deducted from the amount that can be spent personally, or how many credits are allocated to the person. This is called the residual value per person and period.

Step 1: Click on the tab 'Type/slope period'.

Step 2: Click on 'Add'.

Step 3: Enter a value; how many credits can be added or which amount will be deducted from the spendable amount.

Step 4: Select one or more programme types by clicking on the line.

Step 5: Click on 'Add'.

Step 6: If you want to add more programme types, but with a different value, repeat steps 2 to 5.

Click on 'details' in the search screen to change the value assigned or to delete the added programme type.

Link one or more persons to the period:

Add to the period one or more persons for whom the amount to be spent or the credits must be kept.

Step 1: Click on the 'Periods' tab.

Step 2: Click on 'New'.

Step 3: Select a person (enter surname or select the person via the magnifying glass).

Step 4: Fill in the budget; this can be equal to the budget allocated to the period, it is possible that the person will be employed halfway, so he or she will get less budget, or it has been decided to allocate extra budget.

Step 5: Click on 'Save & Back' to add the person, and return to the search screen.


If you increase or decrease the budget for a certain period, the budgets of the persons added to the period will not be increased or decreased. Persons who are newly added to the period will receive the newly allocated budget.

Click on 'details' in the search screen to view, edit or delete the person's data.

In the tab 'General' you can see an overview of the certain budget, the amount spent or credits obtained so far (mutation) and the amount still to be spent or the number of credits still to be obtained (residual value).

The 'Mutations' tab shows an overview of all mutations processed automatically or manually.

It is also possible to add a mutation yourself.

Step 1: Click on the button 'New'.

Step 2: Enter a date (determines the period), value and any comments.

Step 3: Check 'Finalize' if the value can be passed on.

Step 4: Click on 'Save & Back'.


This is the period 'Course year 2016' (1) added to the balance 'Credits'.

The budget to be allocated (2) is '50', in this example the maximum number of credits to be obtained.

The period (3) in which these credits can be obtained runs from 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2016.

Four types of study programme have been added to the period 'Academic year 2016'.

With the button 'Add' (1) you can add another Course definition (3).

For each Course definition, you determine the value, the number of credits to be obtained (2),

With the help of 'details' (4) you can change the value or delete the added course type.

With the button 'New' (1) a person (2) is added to the period. For this person, the number of credits for this period (6) is now recorded.

If this person follows a programme of study, created with a Course definition that has been added to this period, and if the mutation type and mutation timing determined in the balance are met, then the value determined in the Course definition will be allocated as mutation sum (4). The residual value (5), budget (3) - mutation sum (4), determines what credits still need to be earned.

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