Beginner Ervaren Expert

A unit is used in a sales and purchase rule and is needed if the costs or income are not determined per participant or part of the day. Think for example of 'Hour', 'Journey time' or 'KM'. You only need a unit if you choose the 'other' type when making a sales or purchase rule.

How do you do that?
By default, the units 'participants' and 'quantity' are delivered. You can add, change or remove units yourself.

What do you have to look out for?
Please note: there is no check whether the name and/or abbreviation already occurs.

Where do you use a unit?
A unit is used in a sales and purchase rule.
  • Determine your sales: the sales rule is used to determine the price and possible discounts for a particular course. The sales rule is converted into an invoicing rule when you invoice.
  • Determine your costs: the purchase rule is used to determine your costs that need to be made for a course. Purchase rules are grouped per creditor into a purchase order.

Defining units:

You do this with the help of the function group 'Financial' and the function 'Unity'.

Fill in the following data:

Field nameDescriptionMandatory?

NameGive the unit a name, e.g. kilometersYes
AbbreviationGive the unit an abbreviation, e.g. kmYes

Click 'Save' or 'Save & Back' to save the unit.

Click 'Edit' and 'Delete' to delete it. Can't do this because it has already been used? Check 'Inactive'.