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The exchange of information: E-learning and Exams

Integrate Coachview with Moodle (e-learning) (4 artikelen)

All articles to make the connection with Moodle.
Integrate Coachview with aNewSpring (e-learning) (2 artikelen)

Integrate Coachview with Ilias (e-learning) (2 artikelen)

Integrate Coachview with Ilias (e-learning)
Integrate Coachview with CertWell (examen) (5 artikelen)

Integrate Coachview with CertWell (exams)
Generic Coachview integration (3 artikelen)

Generic Coachview integration
Coachview e-learning setup (4 artikelen)

In these articles we explain how to set up action and document templates for taking care of the work process around e-learning. The design of the type of training and, if possible, the feedback of the results from your e-learning to Coachview.